The Anti-Universe Phenomenon of the USA

The Anti-Universe Phenomenon of the USA

There are many differences in the way things work in the U.S. compared to India and other parts of the world. Since the United States is large, wealthy, and powerful, they have their own ways of doing things. This may be quite different from what you are used to in your own country. Therefore, it may take some time for you to understand such an anti-universe phenomenon.

Car (Rental)Hire a car and someone drivesRent a car and drive yourself
Crossing roadsLook right firstLook left first
DrivingLeft side of the roadRight side of the road
Date formday/month/yearmonth/day/year
Electricity SwitchUP is OFF, DOWN is ONUP is ON, DOWN is OFF
Electricity Voltage220V110V
Key (insert)StraightUpside down
Key (rotate)Clockwise to lockCounterclockwise to lock
PicklesToo many varieties to describe hereGenerally, cucumbers in brine or vinegar
Steering WheelRight side in the carLeft side in the car

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