If you are pregnant and going to give birth to the baby in the USA, you must be busy with doctors’ visits, hospitals, shopping for baby, etc.
But it is very important to keep in mind the documents you need to get. You would need to get the following documents for your newborn baby.
Birth Certificate Please note that the birth record issued by the hospital is only temporary and not acceptable for most purposes.
Social Security Card
US Passport
Any baby born in USA is U.S. citizen by default, except for Diplomat parents.
Additionally, people of Indian origin should get either OCI Card or India Visa for their newborn.
Persons of Indian origin should note that as India does not allow dual citizenship (OCI card is not dual citizenship), they would need to decide whether they would like their child to get an Indian passport or a US passport.
Also, don’t forget to add your newborn child’s name to your health insurance as soon as possible. Otherwise, your baby’s claims may be declined when submitted by the pediatrician. You usually have 30 days to enroll your newborn baby into your employer’s health insurance, but it may vary by state or by employer. Check with your employer or medical insurance company to make sure of the deadline.
You can also search thousands of Baby Names right here on this website.
Many people where the lady is pregnant invite their parents or relatives to visit the US and help them with the pregnancy. As healthcare is very expensive in the US, it is highly advisable to purchase visitors insurance for them.