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Adjustment of Status - I-485

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2nd interview Dallas office
Finally had my second interview of the Dallas field office. Interview was scheduled at 1 p.m. . Me and the wife erase there right at 1 when Ducksters and after about 2 minutes. Officer came out and call her names he went inside. As we were walking through her cubicle she asked where my lawyer was. I said he couldn't make it. Right then and there I figured out this was going to be one of those separation interviews. Me and the wife had all the documents and we've been married over a year so we were pretty confident about any questions or answers. So you status down sourcing that's our IDs. She's going to ask my wife do go outside and she escorted her to the lobby. I was in there for almost 2 hours and it was pretty basic. nothing tricky just basic questions about her family and my family and the dates. One of the questions kept going around in circles again and again just do keep double and triple checking the dates I gave her. Anyways I submit her all the documents when she asked for it. Then she escorted me out on my wife came in. Wife was only in there for about 40 minutes. Then she called me inside also. And she said that was it and she is going to go over our testimony and compared to notes and if she needed something else she would send us a request for further Evidence. I said what else could she want and she brought up my medical which was expired and I picked up the new one from our case and handed it to her. And I asked what else could she ask for later on and she said probably my fingerprints are expired by now so we might have to rerun them. A very nice courteous and professional lady I am pretty sure she was all level 2 officer. Then right before we left I asked her straight up how me and my wife did. She replied back that we did very well and after she gets done with her report to expect something in the mail a letter explaining her decision. Anyways I don't know if this was a good second interview or not but it was pretty straightforward and my advice is if you and your wife truly know each other we have nothing to worry about. Almost remember to be honest because it is kind of intimidating. If you do not know the answer then simply say I'm sorry I do not know the answer. The rest I guess I leave it up to the Gods. I felt a big release after having given in that interview. Read my previous posts if you want to get any background. Good luck to all you guys.
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