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Advance Parole

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Travelled with Advance parole and Daca
First thing I want to do is thank everyone on this site, that shared there experience traveling with advance parole with DACA ( especially those that shared there experiences after September 5th DACA was rescinded)

I just wanted to come back on here to share my experience because everyone else's experience gave me the courage to take to chance and travel with AP/ DACA. I traveled for 3 days, departed from Atlanta airport to Kingston jamaica. Came back home returning through Atlanta on December 31, 2017. My experience in Jamaica was surreal, I was in my birth place ( for the first time since 1989, 29 years) but it was a whole different world to me because I left there when I was 5 years old, so i don't remember much about ever living there. Coming back to the U.S. was much easier than i thought it would be. I got off the plain, went to customs/immigration visitors line. Told them I had a travel document advance parole. They took my passport and advance parole papers, took my finger print, my picture, stamped my passport, then gave me back one copy of the AP paper that wasn't stamped, and kept the stamped AP paper. It was way less stressful than I thought it would be. the CBP officer said DACA and the only question he asked was what was my profession, I told him I was a nursing student, he told me make sure I hurry up and finish school, I said I will, then he said ok have a good day. I was so surprised that that was it I was still standing there and he said that's it you are done. Then on my way out I went to a room where customs check your bag, I kept it simple didn't bring back anything for them to question me about like food, fruits, so that was it and I left to go back home to my family.
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