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Adjustment of Status - I-485

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I-485 Interview Bad Experience BOSTON
Boston (I'm the USC)

My husband was brought to the country as a minor, left and then entered illegally in 2008.

- Married April 2015
-Apply I-130 2016
-Apply I485 December 6th 2017
- Approved emergency travel document December 26th 2017
- Husband & I traveled to Mexico and returned through Atlanta Airport January 7th 2018.
- I485 interview August 30th 2018

The officer told us we needed to reapply for the I-485 with new LEGAL entry date of January 7th 2018. She assured us this would be a matter of paying the fees again and waiting for a new interview. She said we would have no problems being approved at the next interview.

- Reapply September 2018
- Biometrics in November 2018
-Interview date February 5th 2019 9:30AM

- Officer came out and grabbed out sheet but instead of calling out name he folded the paper in half and left with it. He came back out to the waiting area then left again. He repeated this for about 40 mintues when he finally called out name. He didn't even bother leaving the door frame to call our name or greet us. He was reluctant to shake our hands. I introduced myself and before I could finish saying my name he cut me off with "who are you?" and immediately made a rude comment about the number of people in our group. (Me, my husband, attorney & translator). He was made we had a translator and asked me if I speak Spanish and when I responded yes he scuffed and asked me and the attorney to follow him. I am known for always having a smile on my face so even though I was feeling intimidated and humiliated I kept an open mind towards this officer and his behavior.

The officer told me he was in a rush and needed to do this quickly (he interrogated me for 30 mintues). Throughout the entire interview he kept asking how we met even though i repeatedly explained to him that we are family friends. My dad and my husband are from the same small ranch in mexico and I would spend my summers there. I do not remember meeting him and that is the truth. He kept insisting I tell him who sleeps in our spare bedroom. When I told him no one he wanted to know the last person to ever sleep there. I told him my niece stayed one night, My husbands cousins stayed one weekend and my sister stayed with us for about 2 months (2 years ago). He kept asking confusing questions about who lives with us even though I told him several times the spare bedroom is my craft/art room and no one else lives in the home we bought 3 years ago. He scuffed at our age difference (8 years) and asked if my husband had gone to my HS prom, I told him I didn't go to prom and he said "well that would have been weird" and scuffed again. He asked about my husbands illegal entries. I explained he was brought by his uncle at about 16 years old but didn't receive much schooling. He then said "oh so when he was in middle school you weren't even born yet" We're 8 years apart not 16. He then told me he didn't understand why my husband needed a translator then and how he had someone who just came to this country recently and didn't need a translator. I explained that my husband understands and speaks English but was nervous and wanted to have a translator just in case he didn't understand something fully. He asked what trips my husband has taken without me (none) and then he asked me why I didn't go to Mexico with my husband in January 2018 ( I had already told him WE went to mexico).
From beginning to end he kept randomly going back to his illegal entry and asking me to tell him the story my husband told me about his illegal entry. I told him I couldn't remember exact details but that I think his illegal entry was through Arizona. He again would tell me he knew I didn't know the true story but he just wanted to know what story my husband had told me.
He then told me he didn't have time and was in a rush so to quickly show him my evidence. I gave him the photo albums and he quickly went through them asking me very fast questions. I had 4 albums total, 1 being from our big formal Church wedding. I gave him all of our flight receipts and hotel stays from vacations, joint bank account statements, credit cards, my pay stubs, W2 form, our telephone call history and text message history. He didn't look through anything he just kept it and again told me in what a huge rush he was in.
I left his office feeling pretty defeated knowing he was looking for a reason to deny us. When he went out to call my husband he took a moment to yell at the previous applicant for still being in the waiting area. He loudly yelled at them and humiliated them for still being there without a letter he needed from them. He told them he did not have time for them so they should just go home and mail the letter in.

My husband's experience with him was even worse than mine. He asked my name, my bday & who lived with us (my husband told him it was just us and 2 cats.) He asked my husband about gang affiliation, if he's stabbed someone, if he carries a blade, if he's ever shot a gun, if he carries a gun, if he's ever requested government money, if he's ever killed someone, if he's ever shot a person and if he's ever used or sold drugs. All to which my husband answered no. He asked misleading questions to try and get my husband to admit to crimes he's never committed. He asked if he's been arrested and my husband told him he was detained in 2004 for driving without a license and paid a \$50 ticket. We went to the court house to pull his record and they found nothing so I pulled a CORI and FBI fingerprints. Both came back clean but the officer still insisted my husband needed to go back to the court house and request his criminal record because he needed proof. (he had the CORI and FBI prints in front of him). He kept demanding my husband tell him the truth and not lie to him. (my husband has to be one of the most passive people I know). The lawyer intervened and explained that she herself had also gone to the court house and nothing came back and that's why we ordered the CORI and FBI fingerprints.
He was annoyed and told them he needed to be done with this fast and moved onto his 2008 illegal entry and kept trying to make my husband admit to being deported in 2008. My husband told him he was caught at the border and sent back to Mexico (he is mexican). He was never deported and never saw a judge. The officer asked him leading questions like "so when you were deported....?" and "when you saw a judge....?" . All throughout my husband continued to clarify he was not deported and successfully crossed the border the next day. The officer began changing answers on his I485 and marked him as being deported in 2008. The lawyer had to intervene again and remind him that Mexicans caught at the border are not deported and there is no record of any deportation. The officer was dismissive and asked them to leave because he needed to send the application to Legal to further investigate this case of deportation. The lawyer tried to ask him further questions and he opened the door and let her out. He said he did not have time to explain and that we should just wait for a letter in the mail once "Legal" decides what to do. He told my husband that this was going to be bad news for him rather than good. He assured my husband that he would most likely be denied and to have little hope of approval.

The lawyer then spoke to his supervisor about this matter and the supervisor agreed that Mexicans detained at the border are not deported. It's a voluntary leave from the country. The entire time the lawyer was speaking to the supervisor and another official, the Officer was peering through a door window watching them.

On the bright side, every other officer came out to the waiting room to call their applicant and greet them courteously. They all came out smiling and patiently waited for the applicants to gather their belongings. Out of all the officers we saw that day we only saw 2 that looked like they hated their job and we unfortunately got stuck with one of them.
We are now feeling completely discouraged and frustrated with this whole situation. The lawyer and another officer in the waiting area told us we should have been approved on the spot and that we need to make sure to file a formal complaint against that new officer. I think his last name was Mcconnell
All Replies (35)


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