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Review of Atlas America insurance
Dear Insubuy team, I would like to put up a good word about your team and Atlas America insurance. Last year my mother visited us in the US for 2 months, and during her stay she had an extremely painful kidney stone episode. We took her to the ER, where she was stabilized with intravenous painkillers, and a CT scan was done where a kidney stone was discovered. She was lucky that kidney stone passed the next day and she did not need any invasive procedures. However, a ~5-hour stay in the ER, CT scan, and some basic blood and urine tests ended up costing about $10,000. Hospital contacted Atlas insurance directly, but we also had to send some manual claims and letter with explanation of the emergency. The bottom line was that Atlas America insurance covered their share of expenses, which we would like to acknowledge. The overall experience with the support of your team was excellent, and we will keep using your services and recommending them to others.
Thank you,
All Replies (2)


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