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Business Visa - B1

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B1/B2 visa approved!
Hello Everyone,
First of all, thanks Immihelp for creating this platform where everyone can share their experiences and help each other with the interviews as well as information.

I am sharing my experience here on this forum. Went for interview yesterday (in New Delhi). I took morning slot of 8 AM. Only advantage of choosing earliest appointment is you wont find traffic/vehicles on road and can reach easily. Number of applicants will be consistent throughout the day - be it 8 AM or 4 PM.
Alright, we were asked to form a queue so that initial check can be carried out at Embassy gates. They check the sticker put on back of your passport - this sticker was put by VAC agents (routine check of passport and documents at Verification Center). After checking that, they let us in. There are 6 rows inside embassy. I sat inside the 4th row. As soon as clock reached 8 AM, 1st row was asked to go inside the building. My turn came approx at 8:15 AM. Went in - on counter number 5, the lady checked my photograph and gave a go ahead. Then I went to counter number 7, where another lady verified my finger prints. All came good and I was sent to counter number 11 for interview. An H1B applicant was already at the counter and soon enough, he got his visa approved - I felt a bit confident of cracking up B1.

Here the fun begins:
VO: Good Morning, how are you doing?
Me: Good Morning. I am doing good, hope you are fine as well.

VO: Yes, thanks. So, where are you going, sir?

VO: Okay. What will you do there?
Me: My employer has invited me for Product training and Business meetings.

VO: What is the name of your employer?
Me: YYYY (I think she didnt hear me properly, asked me again). I spoke a bit loudly and she said OKay.

VO: What is your current designation?
Me: Blah Blah Blah, So and So engineering team.

VO: Alright, how long have you been working in this company?
Me: I have recently joined this firm. On 1st of June 2015.

VO: So, why are they inviting you when you have recently joined? Its very rare that employers invite their employee within few weeks.
Me: Explained why. I think I convinced her the moment I said "The training will help me in completing projects in Asia Market".

VO: How long will you stay there?
Me: For 3 weeks (I guess she heard 'For' as 4 and might have thought that I will stay there for 43 weeks). Asked me again. I said 3 weeks and she said Okay.

VO: Are you married sir?
Me: Yes.

VO: Do you have kids?
Me: Yes.

And finally...
VO: Your visa is approved. We will inform you via SMS or Email as and when it is ready.
Me: Thank you very much (with a very big smile on my face) :)

1. Please carry couple of photographs. In case there is technical problems at embassy and your photo is not transmitted correctly, you still have a backup. I saw many people not able to attend interview just because they didnt have photographs.
2. No phones or bags or electronic items are allowed inside. Switched off cellphone is also not allowed, however you can deposit your belongings at the counter, against a token). But its better to go with someone whom you can handover your stuff while you go inside for interview.
3. Whatever you say to VO, but just DO NOT EVER mention that you are going to work in US. To work, you need to have a work visa, business visa is not for that purpose.
4. Stay calm and relaxed with little bit smile on your face. That makes you look confident.
5. Answer each question briefly. VO doesnt have time to listen to stories. Short answers tells how focused and well prepared you are. Single line answers are the best.

Alright, all the best for interview!!!

Atif Ibrahim.

All Replies (14)


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