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Advance Parole

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Advance Parole
Hello everyone,
First, thank you for all of those who shared your stories, your stories helped me to better prepare and get the courage to take the trip.
I applied for advance parole early October 2016, I received my Advance Parole Approval documents late January 2017; it was approved under humanitarian reasons. I applied to visit my elderly grandmother in Mexico.
 Since the day I received the approval, like many of you, I had been dealing with anxiety, stress, confusion and fear on whether to go to Mexico or not. Both my husband and I, had friends and family who strongly suggested for us to not make the trip, given the new President and conditions in Mexico. They said I would have trouble returning and that there where dangers going to Mexico. On the other hand there were also other family and friends who strongly supported us and said there was nothing to worry about. All of this resulted in confusion and many sleepless nights. Last time I was in my home country was 26 years ago, so I had no idea what I was getting myself into. After giving it a lot of thought and trusting my faith in God, my husband and I along with a family friend decided to take the trip.
With the support of family, friends and professional help, my husband and I decided to make the trip to Mexicali, Mexico this past Sunday February 12, 2017. We decided to make it a quick trip, we were uncertain if this new president would make any sudden new changes to the DACA program. Therefore we left 4:00am Sunday Morning.
We were there for the entire day, I was excited to be reunited with family but in the back of my mind I was still worried about the process to get back home. After an emotional roller-coaster, it was time to come back home. We hit the road back late evening, I made sure I had all my papers in order and drove to the border. Both my husband and I prayed and entered the line.
My husband pulled up and he along with our friend presented their U.S passports, I presented my Advance parole papers, work permit and Mexican Passport. The border patrol officer at first was like “what’s this, who gave this to you?” I told him that it was my Advance parole provided by USCIS. He then sent us to second revision, where asked to go through an automobile scanner, where asked to get out of the car, so they ,may inspect the inside of the vehicle. After the car was cleared, the officer told my husband and friend to drive out to the U.S side while I was to be held for an interview and review documents. During the interview I was asked; where are you coming from? How long were you out of the country for? Where do you live in the U.S? How often do you apply for DACA? What is the minimum age to apply for DACA? I answered all these questions and then he had me take my fingerprints….I am assuming the questions vary depending on the officer, the officer who questioned me was cordial, after the serious questions he asked if I had tried any good tacos during my trip. He stamped my Parole papers, printed my I-95 paper and stamped my passport (I had to ask for them to stamp it for me, the lady officer next to me said it wasn’t necessary, but the officer interviewing me did after asked again politely. After received all 3, he sent me on my way, got in line, showed my documents with the stamps and was let in to the U.S .A! I am glad that we didn’t let fear takeover, it was an experience of a lifetime. I hope that my story helps other’s as did the previous ones helped me. Stay confident, if you have all your documents in order, have no criminal record or pending deportation orders all should go well.
.......................................................................I will pray for you all.
***Quick Tip 1: Make copies of all the important documents and leave them with someone you trust before you leave the country.
***Quick Tip 2: If possible take the trip with someone who is familiar with the area that you are visiting. If it wasn’t for our family friend who knows the area well, our experience probably wouldn’t have gone as smoothly. If you are not familiar the roads & street signs you can get pulled over just like in the U.S.
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AOS after AP with DACA
Hi everyone I'm wondering if anybody has successfully adjusted their status after Advance Paroled being married to USC, I heard you can adjust without being leaving the country? Thanks in advance.
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Waiting on a response

I filed on late October 2016. I haven't received a response yet. They received my application on November 9th
I was wondering if anyone filed during that time frame has been approved for AP.
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Safe Return Home
Hello everyone… My entry back to the USA was very uneventful. They had me go into the secondary inspection room and I waited in there for about 20 minutes. Then after that a lady just called my name and gave me my passport and my document back with a stamp on it. And I was able to go. I don't think there's anything for us to worry about as long as you don't have anything criminal in your record. My trip was absolutely worth it and I'm so glad I went. It is a great time to go if you're able to right now. So remember as long as there is nothing negative in your background you should have no problem coming in.
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we just traveled to Mexico with AP and DACA it was such an amazing and scary experience

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AP Question
New to this guys. Quick question, i've heard that people are having problems coming back from Mexico due to all this immigration stuff. Anyone has traveled with AP by plane? Any trouble at customs?!

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Back with AP with DACA
Hi guys i recently traveled to Mexico with advance oparole
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In my ap papers it says parole is valid until ONE DAY what does that mean my lawyer said it just means its a one entry the day i come back but i was worried it meant i can only be out of the country for one day . has anyone ever gotten that ?
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Reason for Traveling with AP
Hello i just found out on Friday that they are sending me my documents for AP and i am hoping i got approved if i did my question is does you AP document say the reason you are traveling out of country? Because i filed for a "Work Purpose" but my boss is not going to until mid March and i am worried that something might happen to DACA between now and then so should i wait until i can go with my boss or find another reason to go ASAP. I have been told by multiple people that i need to go as soon as i get it. Thank you guys for your help.
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Crossing from Tijuana
Hello everyone this is my first time posting. My case status changed to Document Was Mailed To Me on 2-7. I'm waiting for my documents in the mail. I'm hoping to fly my dad who applied for AP for to Tijuana as soon as I get my documents. My questions is, how long you were there for? And, did you cross by car or foot?

If anyone could reply I would really appreciate it!!!
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