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L1, L2 Visa

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THis forum really helped me a lot. I was ready with all the questions I read here. The entire experience was good without any hiccups.

I had my interview for L1B in Chennai centre. Everything was organized and the staff helped at every step.

My Interview ended in 5 minutes with only two questions:

Q1) For how many years you are working with this company?
Q2) How many people from this company are working in the US?

In between, the officer was reading something on his desktop.He hardly loked at my face as his entire concentration was on his desktop.
And then he said..we will send the passport within a week.
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L1B Approved
Hi All,
Thanks to all the people shared thier experience.
My L1B was approved last week.
As said in this forum, all the procedures were same and they Questions are similar.
VO: Hi..
ME: Hi.. Good Morning Sir..
VO: Good Morning.. gestured to give the file.
ME :( i gave the file with a smile, He took only the petition and required documents and gave back the rest)
VO: How long your are with XYZ ?
ME : 5 years
VO : Who is your client ?
VO : Why are you going to US ?
ME : Gave a brief explanation about purpose of travel.
VO : How long you are working for this client ?
ME : 1 year

[VO started signing papers]
VO : your visa is approved.
Gave 2 form, said 1 is for your employer and one is for you.
He gave a big smile.
ME : Thank you sir, Have a nice day.

My observation, all VO and staff are very friendly and helpful. Their Job is to provide visa for the needful.
Dont take tensions, jus smile as said in this forum and spill only the required beans.
Visa is yours !!
Good Luck
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Dear Friends,

Can any one suggest any special tips for L1A. Bcoz in this forum majority discussions are of L1B.


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Thanks to this Forum!!!
Hi All,

I took interview questions from this forum only.All question which were asked to me are already there in the forum!!!

Thanks a Lot to all of you for sharing your experience
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L1B Approved
L1 B Visa got Approved today!!

Here are questions

VO: Hi Sir
Me: Hi Good Morning!!(With Smile)
VO: How many years of Experiece
Me: 23 Months
VO: How many in YYYY Company
Me: 23 Months. I Joined strainght out of college
VO: Where are you going in US
ME: XYZ Place
VO: Who is you Client?
VO: What do they do?
Me: One line answer
VO: What is your specialization?
Me: Told about companyies tools as "ggg"
VO: How much your salary here and there?
Me: xyz and yzx
VO: What is your academice Credentials?
Me: BE with Electronics and Communication
VO: Is it a 4 year course
Me: Yes
VO: You visa is approved. Welcome to US
Me: Thank you Mam(Thanked Almighty)
Be confident, always mention your company tool in your job coz u r goin on L1B
Wear a Tie that is an Advantage
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Approved in just 2 mints!!!!!!!!
Hi All,

I had my Interview scheduled in Chennai Consulate @ 9:45am.. but my chat :-) with consulate started @ 11:00am
All initial process was asusual ,but one manthra is to keep yourself calm and confident,there is nothing to be tensed and spoil the purpose..Its very simple.

here are the Q's tat was asked :
VO - Which Company you work for ?
Me - IBM .. the brand name really helped me a lot

VO - How Long ?
ME - x years y months

VO - Whats Your Specialised knowledge ?
Me - All in Petition doc .. .. Spill only the required Beans .... Go thru yur petition doc 2-3 times

VO - How long in this domain?
ME - X years

VO - Who is your Client?
ME - XX is my client and Y is the end Client

Done I heard the golden words ...
- Be calm and cool ..
- Dont get distracted with other conversation.. dont entertain any negative thoughts
- Watch TV .. just have fun in all tat happens in the language Counter .. believe me Language counter produces lots of fun.. ppl askin in all regional langauge and look at teh expression of the consulate , he would be wondering wat are they sayin..
- During ma time i had lots of fun , babies crying and there was a case ver in consulate askin Q to a person with baby .. and baby was bitting his shoulders litteraly ...
- These things just divert yur mind gets yu cool
- Dress Formal ..very important.. there was a guy in jeans n formal shirt ..i dont know what happened to his VIsa ... he was Q for almost 20-25 mints
- Your Attire means a lot
- Ans Confidently

visa is yours
Good Luck !!!
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L 1 B Blanket Approved
Hi All
  I got my L1 B Blanket VISA approved today at Chennai. My wife got her L2 as well. Thanks to everybody on the forum.

Before the interview
My wife was asked to keep her cosmetics out
Our photos were a little dark. We got our photos clicked inside again. VISA docs screening officers were very cordial.

VO: How long have u worked with ZZZ?
Me: A little over one year
VO: Exact joining date?
Me: X-ZZZ-2008
VO: What is this project all about?
Me: Blah blah....I have been part of Design & Development
VO: Oh great!! I was just about to ask if you have been part of Design and Development
Me: :)
VO: Where did you work before ZZZ?
VO: Wow!! Good
Me: I also worked for ZZZ before that?
VO: Great!!!
VO: Place your fingers blah blah...
VO: Your VISA is approved.You will receive within 72 hrs.
Me & my wife: Thanks a lot!!

No questions for my wife.
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L1 Blanket

I had my interview on 7th August in chennai consulate and the following were the questions.

1) How long are you working with the current company?
2) When did you get married?
3) Small clarification on the project name and client?

Finally he said the passport will be couriered and gave me back the I129.
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I am just typing my experience which I had in chennai during L1 blanket visa interview.

First of all I would like to thank the moderator of this forum. This helped me a lot.

Questions asked.

   VO : GM How are you
   me : GM Fine and How aryoue
   VO : Ya I am fine

   How are you are with current petitioner
   Tell me your previous companies. (In the middle VO said enough)
   What are you going to do there(In the middle VO said enough of explanation)
   How much you are paid
VO asked me keep the index finger and gave my I129 papers
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L1 B visa interview process and My experience

Thanks to immihelp and users who had posted there experience. Its very helpful for me to get the visa.

I had my interview on 05 Aug 8:30 a.m at Mumbai US Consulate.

I was reached there at 7.30 and I was instructed to stand in a separate queue and keep ready my DD, Passport, I-797 and 2 copies of I-129S forms.

They have collected that and given me a token. At 8:45 I was allowed inside. first counter for security checking. Don’t carry zip files, keep all the documents in transparent cover. In next counter, they give the passport and 156, 157(which was send to them in courier). After that, they will take our finger print and collect those documents and passport. We need to wait for them to call our token number. In Cosulate we have small refreshment center (food stall) so we can make our self more comfortable.

We need luck for getting interview from good officers. Really I am very lucky. Bcoz first I was called by a person in a counter no X. There are 3 persons standing before me. In that queue, VO officer rejected two ppl and I was much tensed. When I entered into the room, they were closed the counter, told me to wait and somebody else will take my interview. After 30 min’s another guy called my token number. Again I was standing last in the queue. But here interview was smooth and VO officer is talking very friendly. All the persons got there stamping. I was standing so comfortable.

The following conversation happened with me

Me: Hi good Morning
VO: You are working for YYYY company?
Me: Yes
VO: How long u r working for ZZZ?
Me: I am working for 22 Months
VO: Who is ur Client?
VO: How long u r working for YYY?
Me: 7 Months
VO: What is ur specialized knowledge?
Me: **** *** testing methodology
VO: What is about?
Me: It is new framework which is working only in ZZZ, We are providing this service to YYY
VO: How long u will work in US?
Me: I will be there for 3 years.
VO: What is ur Indian salary?
Me: **** l per annum
VO: How much u will get in US?
Me: *** dollars
VO: Your visa is approved, Have a nice stay in US.
Me: Thanks, thank you so much…

Interview took just 4 min’s. Dress up well, be confident. Every one will have tension but act as Normal!!!

Go through this forum at least for 5 pages and have a mock interview with ur friend or colleagues. After interview let others to know about this site and help them to clear the interview…
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Disclaimer: Please note that the experiences presented are submitted by visitors to our website. Individuals’ experiences may vary, and you should interpret each individual’s experience at your own risk. Do not make a decision solely based on an experience posted here. We do not endorse any individuals’ experiences, and we are not liable or responsible for consequences stemming from your use of the information presented within any individual’s experience.