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Advance Parole

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TSC Denying 131
Has anyone heard more on this issue?

https://www. **** *.com/2017/10/30/texas-service-center-still-denying-advance-parole-applications-based-on-overseas-travel/

Texas Service Center Still Denying Advance Parole Applications Based on Overseas Travel
30 Oct 2017
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Texas Service Center (TSC) is still denying advance parole (AP) applications (form I-131) for applicants who travel abroad before their AP applications are approved. As previously reported, this is contrary to the longstanding practice by the USCIS to allow international travel while an I-131 is pending, as long as the applicant has some other means of being readmitted to the United States, such as an existing, unexpired AP or an H1B visa.

Background: NSC Revises Position after Murthy Takes Action
In August 2017, MurthyDotCom cautioned stakeholders about a recent trend in which the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) had begun denying AP applications for applicants who traveled while their applications were still pending. More details on this sudden and unannounced change in practice by the USCIS is available in the MurthyDotCom NewsBrief, USCIS Denying Advance Parole Applications Based on Overseas Travel (10.Aug.2017).

In a follow-up NewsBrief, Murthy Takes Action: NSC Agrees to Stop Denying Advance Parole Applications Based on Overseas Travel (25.Aug.2017), it was reported that the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) had agreed to cease this practice. It was further noted, however, that the Murthy Law Firm had yet to hear back from the other USCIS service centers on this matter.

TSC Still Denying I-131s Based on International Travel
Since then, attorneys at the Murthy Law Firm have seen several AP denials issued by the TSC based on applicants who were traveling internationally while their respective applications were pending. There have been similar reports from other members of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). Given that the NSC has stopped this practice, it seems clear that this is not a national directive by the USCIS. It therefore is disconcerting to see the TSC continue to deny these cases.

The Murthy Law Firm, AILA, and other stakeholders continue to pressure the TSC to cease their denials of these AP applications. In the meantime, however, AP applicants are cautioned against international travel while their AP applications are pending, especially in cases filed with the TSC.

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Travelled with Advance parole and Daca
First thing I want to do is thank everyone on this site, that shared there experience traveling with advance parole with DACA ( especially those that shared there experiences after September 5th DACA was rescinded)

I just wanted to come back on here to share my experience because everyone else's experience gave me the courage to take to chance and travel with AP/ DACA. I traveled for 3 days, departed from Atlanta airport to Kingston jamaica. Came back home returning through Atlanta on December 31, 2017. My experience in Jamaica was surreal, I was in my birth place ( for the first time since 1989, 29 years) but it was a whole different world to me because I left there when I was 5 years old, so i don't remember much about ever living there. Coming back to the U.S. was much easier than i thought it would be. I got off the plain, went to customs/immigration visitors line. Told them I had a travel document advance parole. They took my passport and advance parole papers, took my finger print, my picture, stamped my passport, then gave me back one copy of the AP paper that wasn't stamped, and kept the stamped AP paper. It was way less stressful than I thought it would be. the CBP officer said DACA and the only question he asked was what was my profession, I told him I was a nursing student, he told me make sure I hurry up and finish school, I said I will, then he said ok have a good day. I was so surprised that that was it I was still standing there and he said that's it you are done. Then on my way out I went to a room where customs check your bag, I kept it simple didn't bring back anything for them to question me about like food, fruits, so that was it and I left to go back home to my family.
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Traveling with AP TPS
I traveled to Haiti with my 3 US Citizen Kids on AP for christmas. I was nervous about the experience coming back. We flew into Logan Airport in Boston. I went to the visitor's line at the immigration check point. I handed our passports to the officer. She was very friendly. She checked the kids in first. Then took my fingerprints and picture. Then she said I need to send you downstairs for your parole to be stamped. She called for another officer and told us to wait behind the blue line. She didn't ask any questions.
After a few minutes the officer came to escort us down to the waiting room. After about 20mins. the officer behind the desk calked my name and said you're all set and told us how to exit. Again no questions. Everything went super easy with no issues.
The only thing I would advise is to be clear in your mind about any potential inadmissibility issues. I was cocerned about the 10 year bar and another issue that I had to have an I601 waiver for. I knew the 10 year bar was a non issue due to the new ruling by BOA. But I had no proof that the waiver was approved so I filed a FOI request and got a copy of the aporoved waiver. That cleared all inadmisdibility issues in my mind. I was,at peace that I did my homework and would at least jave an answer if they raised those issues. But fortunately none of that came up. Moral of the story is do your homework then travel on your AP. Everything should be fine.
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Hi, has anybody traveled with their Work and AP Combo card I traveled with my Data AP with no problem but I am adjusting status and they sent me the combo card and I wanna go back and visit so I been tru the process with daca not my Combo card any experiences ? I wanna drive down to Ensenada.

im Honduran by the way but half Mexican so I have Mexican family.
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Traveling with AP?
My husbands AP and EAD were just approved, we're planning on traveling to our home country next week. Im a US citizen and we'll be traveling together for no more than 20 days before returning to Chicago.
Im nervous that he wont be allowed entry to the US. He did overstay his visa prior to us getting married.
Any input would be great?
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I-131 Advance Parole
Can USCIS Local Offices issue Emergency Advance Parole Documents if you have the necessary documents with you while waiting on I-485 to be processed?
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I-131 Advance Parole
Can USCIS Local Offices issue Emergency Advance Parole Documents if you have the necessary documents with you?
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I-485 Green Card/I-131 Advance Parole
Hello everyone,so i'm still but thewaiting for my i-485 after more than a year.
I need to travel due to an emergency so i went to my local USCIS office with all necessary documents & evidence so they can issue me an Advance Parole Document to travel by the 11th of January.
I was not denied, but the gentleman told me they do not issue them there which is very contradicting to what the website & USCIS phone Customer Service is telling me. I asked to speak to his supervisor & he would not let me talk to him. Did I just get a bad a officer at the USCIS location or what?
Can USCIS Local Offices issue Emergency Advance Parole Documents?
Anyone have experience with this?
I NEED some urgent advise.
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AP with DACA
I went to Cuba for school for ten days. I left on December 9 and returned on the 19th. I had no issues returning, however I was questioned on why I visited Cuba. But I had proof that it was a study abroad trip with 16 other students. Other than that I had no issues. It was through the Miami airport. The experience was amazing!! Well worth it
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Great experience using my AP, I had no issues. I'm Back Home!. Thank you for all your positive experiences.. I did it. I wish you luck to all who are traveling using an AP. DO IT!..Mine was an amazing experience.
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