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Advance Parole

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How long does it normally take for the process?
I am currently starting a job, they scheduled a training session offsite and are requiring me to leave the country to Europe. Europe isn't my country of origin and the schedule date is about 45 days or so, what is the best advice in this sort of situation? I know I have to file I131 but I'm unaware of how long it takes for the process. Can someone help me?
All Replies (1)
Travelled with Advanced parole
I traveled back home cause I lost my dad and I needed to go for the funeral. I stayed for almost 3 weeks. I arrived in ATL this morning, I was on the visitors line, I took out my advance parole form, passport and work permit, one of the agents saw my parole form and told me to come over to his counter. I have him him the 2 forms and he gave me one and went over the other form. He chatted with me for awhile (nothing to do with immigration) just a friendly chat. He apologized because the system was low. Then he stamped my passport and the parole form and gave both back to me (so I have both of my travel parole forms) He explained what the stamp was and I was on my way to pick up my luggages to catch my connecting flight. I had family and friends praying for me and I had faith that i was going to get in the country. So my advice is if you want to travel then you should. I had people telling me not to go, even my lawyer advised me not to travel out but there was no way I was going to miss my fathers funeral.
All Replies (4)
advance parole travel
hi Guys, her e is my experiences. I applied for a humanitarian reasons advance parole in May 12 and I got my documents in less that 45 days. I got caught crossing the border when I was 15 years old and I told my lawyer about it so he decided to check through a CBP fingerprint process if I got any deportation or removal back then. Thank God I didn't , well I went to Guatemala from June 10 to June 18 and to be honest Everything went well. it took me like 10 minutes in secondary inspection. Make sure with a lawyer if you have any background records before you decide travel out of USA. Thanks to this site I got the valor to do it and risk it all, Go for it guys and good luck to all.
All Replies (5)
Advance parole
Hi guys as im typing this i am back in the USA heres my experience,
Sent my aplication for AP april 13. i have daca and my reason was humanitarian.
Got aproved may 15
Booked flight round trip from tijuana to mexico city
Departure june 15
Arrival back to tijuana june 22
As i aproached the border line got my passport and travel documents ready gave them to the officer and he sent me to the office, i handed my documents to a very nice female officer, the only question she asked was who i was traveling with and my ead card, i told her with my family, my us citizen wife and 2 kids. She took my fingerprints and a picture and that was it, of course she stamped one of my travel documents and i was good to go. She just told me not to travel back to mexico again until i adjust my status and that was it, i am really happy and thankful with all u guys motivated me to do it by reading ur exp im not gonna lie i was nervous but well worth it so if ur planning to do it dont be scared everything will be ok, i apologize for my writting. Im just really exited im back. Please take the risk its worth it.
All Replies (8)
travel with AP
Hi dear friends,
i am from Iran and got my AP and EAD approved 3 months ago
i am EB2 filer (employment based Green card) and i assume i have to wait for a long time to get my GC approved since its only 4 months i submitted my docs,
my fiance is waiting for me in my home country to go and get married but my attorney says its not that safe to travel with AP.
i want to take a risk and travel as i cant wait any more,
please advise if anybody traveled with AP from JFK boarder and specially if you are from Iran,
All Replies (2)
I want to apply for AP
Hi guys, new to this website..
I have DACA, and I would really like to visit my country of origin for the first time in 14 years!

However, I do not know if my reason will be sufficient to be approved before December, 2017.
My only reason is my grandma (she is 84 years old), but she is not sick or anything. But she does have a regular doctor that she goes to get regular checkups... Do you think that if her doctor writes a letter saying that she is very old and we don't know for how much longer she is going to be with us, do you think USCIS will approve my case??

If not, any other ideas ?? :(

All Replies (3)
Just received AP now what?
Hi guys,

My husband is DACA, he just received his AP today in the mail. They want him to go literally next week for a day. I guess what I am asking is. Since I can't go what can he expect? What does he need to bring? What will they ask him when he re-enters? His grandma is really sick and he hasn't been able to see here in almost 10 years. He hasn't been back to Mexico since his parents left. Would love to hear people's experiences. He will most likely be flying out from NYC to Mexico. We are expecting a baby and I would really like him to be here to find out the gender.
All Replies (5)
AOS Question using Advance Parole
Hi all, so I'm posting this in hopes of getting some help on what to do regarding my legal status.

Background: I Have DACA and just got approved for regular humanitarian AP which it took 6 months. I'm also married to a US citizen and I am looking to Adjust status (get a green card) through marriage.

So as most people have heard, there is a "legal entry" requirement to adjust status while inside the US. I plan to use regular humanitarian AP to meet the requirement and I just have a few questions.

Q1: Am I able to travel with AP, THEN AFTER REENTRY, apply for AOS? in contrast to the AOS/AP combo-simultaneous method.

Q2: is it ok to ask the airport customs personnel to stamp both my passport and AP document?

Q3: My Daca expires in December 2017, should I renew DACA or just apply for AOS, or both? I ask cause I think AOS will grant a Work permit 90 days after applying, but then there's the "accrued no lawful status thing" after my DACA expires and I don't know how long it takes to get a green card lol

I know it's a lot but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
All Replies (5)
My AP documents finally came in the mail after 5 months of waiting. I
received the approval letter on the 14th and the actual documents on the
16th. I found that speaking with an actual immigration officer helped
with getting specific info. The first time I spoke to an officer, he
advised that a decision would be made in 33 business days. On the 34th
day (after seeing no updated status on the site) I called until I
reached another officer who took my phone number, investigated the
situation, and called me back with the result.

I HAVE SOME WORRIES... I have Haiti TPS which expires 7/22. I sent out
my re-registration packet but there is no way I will have my new ead
yet. I booked a trip to for the first week of July. I am wondering if my
current ead card (with 7/22 expiration date) will be sufficient with the
AP doc when I come back.
All Replies (14)
Traveling to the Dominican republic from NYC
hello everyone , I got approved for advance parole for July . has anyone traveled from jfk or La Guardia to STI and returned safely ??? please help im very nervous about this big step . and did they asked for you dominican " cedula" to enter ... thank you very much .
All Replies (6)


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