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Advance Parole

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DACA and Advance Parole personal experience
I am writing as DACA recipient who was recently approved for Advance Parole (AP). I live in Seattle, Washington and my grandmother lives in Guadalajara, Mexico.

I submitted my AP application in November, 2016 after learning that my grandmother in Guadalajara, Mexico had open heart surgery and was really ill. I was approved for AP in March, 2017; however, I received my two original copies of the AP travel documents in April 01, 2017 which allowed me to be out of the U.S. from 04/01/2017 to 05/01/2017. For clarification purposes, that means that I had to be back from Mexico before 05/01/2017.

I booked my flight via Volaris Airline as it was a direct flight from Seattle, WA to Guadalajara, Mexico. I paid $520 for a roundtrip ticket, which is inexpensive compared to other airlines. I chose to be out of the U.S. for two weeks because of the risk involved with being outside of the U.S. and something terribly wrong happening; I was also fearful that the Trump administration might suddenly decide to eliminate DACA and getting “stuck” outside of the U.S.

Prior to leaving the U.S. I made sure to have my EAD card, both AP travel documents, and Mexican passport. I also scanned a copy of all my immigration documents and email them to myself and family relatives (just in case anything were to go missing).

Flying into Mexico was the easiest part of my trip as I have a Mexican passport and no questions were asked by any of the airport officers about my visit.

However, on my way back into the U.S. I was questioned by airport officers (as expected) and asked to provide my EAD card, both original AP travel documents, and Mexican passport. The officer took my fingerprints and took photograph of my face for security purposes and it’s apparently protocol. I was then told to follow a different officer into a room and was told to wait until my name was called for “interview”. I waited for about 15 minutes until an officer called my name and asked me the following questions:

1. When did you first arrive to the U.S.?
2. Do you live in the U.S.?
3. Why did you move to the U.S.?
4. Why did you recently leave the U.S.?
5. What do you do for a living?

I was nervous when I was being questioned, but I managed to remain calm and answered all of his questions. The officer then told me to wait in the room and returned with my stamped AP travel document (he kept the other original AP travel document as he is supposed to). He then handed back my Mexican passport, which he stamped with the word “Paroled” on it. I was then allowed to leave the room.

It felt like an eternity because of the uncertainty of what could happen; however, it was worth it as I was able to see my grandmother again before she passed away.

I consulted with an immigration attorney prior to applying for advance parole. I did not hire an immigration attorney to work on my AP case because I don’t have any criminal record and I was able to answer all the questions listed on the application packet, as well as collect all the proofs necessary to apply for advance parole.

I chose to write about my AP experience because I found this website to be helpful when I first decided that I was going to take the risk of traveling with AP. I will try my best to answer any questions you may have about my AP experience. Best of luck.
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Hi guys! Quick question. Any of you gone through customs through phoniex airport with DACA/AP?
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Received Letter But Status Still Pending
Last week we received a letter stating that our EAD/AP had been approved but our online status still says that our "application was received on Dec 29th and we have mailed you a notice of how your case will be handled"

Has anyone else experienced this and if so, how long should we expect to wait for our card?

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AP for Asylum Applicant for Family Visit
Hello guys. I am an asylum applicant. I would like to visit my mom who is in a third country and I havent't seen her for two years but she is not sick. Can I apply for advance parole with the reason as "family visit"? Is this a good reason for advance parole? Please help me if you know something or had a similar case! Thanks
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AP Travel through EWR/JFK with previous Arrest
Hello fellow members,

I really hope for some useful information from someone in a similar situation, every response/advice will be greatly appreciated.

I just got approved for AP/EAD (still waiting for the combo card). I stated that my 92 year old grandfather isn't doing well and his dying wish is to meet my son (his great-grandson) who is almost 20 months old and to see me again!
Today my mom called and said he is in the hospital again because of a fall. :'(

My problem(s) is/are that I have been arrested wrongfully last year for one night. All charges had been dropped of course!
Does anyone know if that could affect my reentry?
I'm still employed for an international airline of my home country and would fly on a standby ticket, which safes me 90% of the ticket price. But I only get a seat if there is availability in the plane. And with an infant (until 2 years of age, they have to stay on your lab, no own seat) I can't travel on jump seats if the plane is overbooked, like I used to do a lot when visiting my husband before in the cockpit or available FA seats, their not suitable when traveling with an infant. By telling you that I meaning the trip could possibly take 2 weeks or more, depending on availability!! I initially planned 7 days.
Would 2 weeks be too long? Most people I saw posting about their travels say they mostly stayed less than a week....

Looking forward to any kind of reply from you guys! This forum is such a great help! Thanks in advance!!!
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Can someone please tell me what types of reasons qualify for educational purposes? If someone has already graduated from college can they enroll in one short course of training program of choice and request AP based on that?

Also if you work for a small company and want to attend a global seminar thats realted to your business, is that a good enough reason for employment purpose?
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Advance parole
Hi I applied on the 2nd week of January 2017 , tracked my status and says that my " document was mailed to me on April 26" do you guys know what document they send first or what to expect ? I'm nervous ; c
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I am back to the states and wanted to share my experience.
I applied back in November and got everything approved by April 1st. I travelled April 9th-23rd. I was so stressed about this whole thing and could not enjoyed my vacation but I'm so glad everything went well. On my way back the officer asked me 3 questions: "why was I coming back to the US? I responded with " in coming back to work" he then asked me where do I work? And how long was I in Nicaragua. After I answered all 3 questions he said to wait for a different officer. An officer came and took me to a different office, I waited there for about 10 minutes and then the officer stamped my passport and said welcome back! After this I was so happy and could barely say anything to my husband and son who were waiting for me with the luggage.

Do know I had deportation ordered but the case was reopened and an immigration lawyer terminated my deportation. I took copies of that, marriage license, birth certificate of my son none of those were needed but take as many documents as you can.

I hope this helps and encourage those people who are still debating in taking advantage of this opportunity.


Karen H.
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AP to adjust status
I am waiting for approval of my AP request to adjust my status, should I have sent my I-485 out at the same time? or do I wait until I have approval and documents in hand?
Can anyone going through the same process please advise?
Thank you.
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DACA Advance Parole update!
Hello everyone I just wanted to share that I am back in the States after traveling to Mexico to visit my ill grandmother. It's a total dream to have had the amazing opportunity to see so many family members who I hadn't seen since I was brought to the States 20yrs ago.

I submitted my AP paper work at the end of November. Application was received at the Nebraska center 12/5. My case was approved 3/18 with the travel dates 3/22-7/22. I left 4/14 and just got back 4/26. I traveled through Portland PDX along with my brother who also had AP. We both got the same officer. Everything went smooth, other than it took a while (like 40 mins) because the computers were down. I feel so blessed to now have a "Legal Entry", my AP docs both got stamped, they kept one and I got one back. My passport was also stamped. I always said from the start that God was in control, and believed that if it was meant to be he would make it happen. And he did. All on his own time. Don't loose faith, if you get AP approval USE IT! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Good luck to all on your journeys. Don't ever forget to pray. Jesuschrist is king and he is good!!!
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