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H1B, H4 Visa

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To Subramanyam
I got all papers from My petioner for H1B, I am working in Kolkata , i have to attend interview at kolkata according to I797, But dates are not available, My native location is hyderabad, But i want to attend in Mumbai, is it possible to attend in mumbai.Please tell me.

janardhan Reddy
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Distance Education
I have completed my MCA- from Vinayaka Missions University – Salem. Tamil Nadu India.
This I have attended through distance education. I want to know when I file for H1 there will be any problem for this University because I have don’t through distance education.

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Eligible for Delhi embassy

My hometown is hyderabad and iam working in hyderabad.Now iam trying book appoint at chennai and iam not able to do that as the slots are over. May i eligible to attend interview at delhi. if it possible , please tell me how can I do that.

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doubt on selection of consulate for stamping
In my Petition I797B its delhi consulate but iam working in bangalore.

I have a doubt that whether to go delhi or chennai consulate for stamping.

As per my job(bangalore) i have to go to chennai consulate for stamping and as per my petion I797B i have to go to delhi.

But which is the right one i have to go for stamping, i dont know as per the rules.

so any body who knows and one who solves my problem can give me suggestions in this regard.

If any body help me in this as fast as they can and if they help me iam very much thankful to them.
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Inhouse or Client project

i am having interview on november 1st week and my employer says he can get me a client project ( which is another small indian company with very few employees , in the same city nearby location). i am uncertain to ask either inhouse project or client project. Guys, let me know which one would be better if i say Client project or Inhouse project. My employer said he can give me documents for both and he prefer to give me client project with client letter agreemennt. But i feel inhouse project will be good enough as VO ask for project documentation + tax papers of the company and nothing else in most of the interviews... but for client project, they do some check, if they are not satisfied with client agreement and put u on AAP
i am confident and get thru with this interview but to make sure if anyone has any comments about choosing inhouse or client project
plese let me know your valuable comments
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Past work experience in DS157 form
I am having my interview in november 1st week. my current working (ZZZ) company has been taken over by another company (YYY). am working with this current company for the past 3.5 years. In that case, can i say that my current company is YYY and previous company as ZZZ.

Since we received a formal letter from current company YYY saying that ur company will be acquired etc... its been 7 months now with the new company. but I dont have any experience letter from the past company who sold it to the new one.

how should i place my DS157 form..??

any help /comments is highly appreciated.
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hi all
to fill fresh ds156,do we need again to take hdfc receipt r it will take old to send through drop they did nt ask my passport to b put in drop box,my chance of getting visa is less?help me in this regard
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Successful H1B stamping at Delhi Consulate

My visa interview was scheduled at 9:45 AM but to be on the safer side and to avoid long waiting times in Queues, I reached at 8:15 AM. I was carrying a sealed envelope which they asked me to open at the security check. Then I waited outside for a while after a while they checked my docs and let me go inside. There is a general Xray scan for all of the files which you carry. Then I stood in the queue for finger printing which took just about 5 minutes. After taht since there was no waiting time, they didn't issue any token and asked me to stand in Line 2 which was very short. Only 3 ppl were standing before me.
My turn came in 5 minutes and then there was an Asian looking lady to interview me.
Here are the questions ;
VO - What is the purpose of your trip
Myself - Employement in US
VO - What is your qualification
Myself - XYZ..
VO- Which company you work
Myseff - XYZ..
VO - What are your current job responsibilities?
Myself - Software Developments etc..
VO - What is your future firm doing ?
Myself - Business Consulting etc..
VO - How many employye work with your future company?
Myself - XYZ
VO - Your visa is approved
Wow, I neevr thought it was so easy, she didnt ask for even single document.
I was out of the embassy by 8:50 AM just in 35 mins. Everyone in family were surprised to see me back from embassy so early one hour before my scheduled appointment.

Thanks to everyone !

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Successful H1B Stamping in Delhi consulate on 24th sep 2007
Hi all,

First of all, thanks to immihelp for creating such a common portal place which is of great help for thousands of people. This site is very helpful one for many visa aspirants.

Let me tell you my experience in detail in delhi consulate so that it might be helpful for all.

My interview was at 10.00 am in the morning. I reached the embassy at 10.30 am.
Next Steps that happened are as follows,

1. Security check outside the embassy. He will check your bag(plastic bag with the folder) and all your body for other things. Please do not carry anything that is given in your guidance sheet which comes along with the interview letter.

2. Then you join a queue, a VFS person in the queue will assist you and arrange the following documents in order. Passport, DS 156, 157, Notice of action and the pink slip of the hdfc bank. Do not forget to write the name in native language in the 157 form.

3. Next you will be reaching a vfs counter where he will mark something in his computer, check the documents mentioned in 2nd point, place one barcode from the hdfc slip to the passport and then give you the permission to enter the embassy.

4. Now before entering the main visa interview hall there is a very small locker facility where you can place your mobile, keys and other stuff, and then pass through another security check and then enter the hall. I enterd around 11.30 am.

5. As soon as you enter the hall, right side, go for the finger printing(place your left and right index finger) and finally join the queue for the interview. No calls or tokens or anything in delhi. If and all any other procedure is there, VFS person inside the hall will guide you what to do. Those people are always there to help us.

6. While standing in the line do not disturb others as the VO can see you always. Try to maintain good attire.

7. Then came my turn for the interview, this was how it went(hardly fro 2 mins).

Me: Hello officer
VO: Hello sir, good moring. How are doing today?
Me: Very good morning. Im Fine and how abt you?

VO: For how long you have been working with current company?
Me: YYYY years

VO: How did you come to know about this US employer?
Me: blah blah blah

VO: What is your current salary?

VO: What is your salry in US?
Me: YYYY dollars / annum

VO: Can you show me your LCAa and latest salary slip of current employer?
Me: Sure officer and shown them.

VO: Are you going to work in client place?
Me: No sir, it is an in house project.

VO: Please give me the project document and your itenary of services there?
Me: Sure sir, and I showed them.(please note to get the project details in company letter head

from your employer)

VO: Can you explain in brief?
Me: explained for 30 secs.

VO: What will you do after coming back to india?
Me: blah blah blah

VO: Ok sir, your interview is over.
THEN THE GOLDEN WORDS CAME FROM HIS MOUTH(as every body say, it really feels golden at that moment).......
YOUR VISA IS APPROVED. Your passport will reach you after 3 working days.
Me: Thankyou very much officer(left from the window immediately).

So guys dont worry much. Have all your documents correct and then some good preparation and confidence will give you success. The VO's are very polite and gud to us as for what I also scared. So do not scare or show any kind of low attitude while you are in the interview hall. It is so simple and easy. All the best friends.

If you have any queries wrtie to me at [email protected]

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My Experience with successful stamping at Kolkotha
I had to go to India on emergency basis (Family member's death) on Sep 1st 07. I did not had valid stamped visa, but had H1B 3 years approval notice with me at the time of travel which was starting from end of Nov 2007 to Nov 2010. I did not travelled to India for almost 6 years. I was getting 1 year extensions all these years and finally this time I got 3 years extension after my I-140 got approved. 1st thing I did after landing in India was to pay the HDFC receipt and wait for 2 days to get the receipt activated. Once the receipts were activated after 2 days wait, I tried to book appointment in Chennai(since I belong to AndhraPradesh) and surprised to see that there were no dated untill November 07. I tried at Kolkota and there were appointment with in 2 days that too non emergency appointment. I could have booked an emergency appointment at chennai, but opted to go to Kolkota. I took the appointment for myself and for my wife. We booked the flight tickets and went to Kolkota 1 day before the appointment date. The travel time from Airport to the hotel was around 1 hour 30 mins. We stayed at Hotel Neeranand. Some relative booked this hotel for me. This one is 30 mins drive from the consulate. On the day of the appointment we went to consulate early in the morning. Since our appintment was at 2:30PM in the afternoon, they did not allowed us to go inside untill 12:00PM. At 12:00PM there were only 10 people in the line. We went inside the consulate at 12:20PM, after passing thru security check. Once inside the consulate they asked us to put the documents in the order and present them at the counter. That guy (Indian) asked bunch of questions, like where I work, what I do etc. I had with me my daughters US passport. He asked me why my daughter did not come to consulate etc. I had to explain to him that she stayed with her grand parents. He asked to write Indian and US address on the forms. He asked to write full names of the colleges on the forms etc. He asked to write the name in our native language (in Telugu for us). We make corrections to the form using pen. Once the corrections were made, we were asked to sit. There were only 2 counters for the visa interview. After 10 mins of wait, they called our names. We went and greated the lady inside the counter. She asked, what I do, and what my company do. She looked at the marriage certificate and said, that she believes that we were married laughingly. After looking at my application, she commented that "so I see your green card is on your way pretty soon" and I said, I had applied my 485 recently. She asked me if I had the latest pay stub and when I told her it is at the back of the folder she is looking. Without even looking at it, she told, to collect my passport after 4PM at VFS center and gave me the address where to collect. I asked her what will be the start date on my Visa and explained since my extension does not start untill Nov 2007, I showed her my 1 year extension which was valid from Nov 2006 to Nov 2007. She told me she will give me Visa from today to Nov 2010.
We were out of the consulate with in 1 hour or so. We decided not to collect the passport on the same day, as our return flight was at 7:00PM the same day and the travel time from COnsulate to the airport is around 1 hour 30 mins. Also heard that Kolkota is famous for traffic jams especially in the evenings. Next day afternoon, the passports were delivered to our house address thru courier service. Check the visa and all the information were correct. It had an annotation explaning that the visa stamping includes 2 approvals forms and its petition numbers etc. in it. I was totally relieved after I got my passport with visa stamped in my hands. Whole process took 4 days after I landed in India.If you had any questions feel free to post it here and I will try to reply.
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