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Need Help! I-130 & I-485 Filing for young couple! Please

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  • Need Help! I-130 & I-485 Filing for young couple! Please

    Hello Everyone! I am so happy to finally be joining this site, as I have been following it for a while and find the stories quite helpful. I live in Queens, New York City, and I am a 19 year old female and I married my 21 year old husband about 6 months ago. He came here from Trinidad and Tobago in July 2007 on a Visitor's Visa to spend some time with his mother, when he was 16(and other visits before that) and his mother decided to keep him and his sister, but didn't do anything to get them legal in the county, so now he is an overstayer of about 5 years.

    I met him through his sister in 2010, as she was my best friend in highschool. I went over to her house one day, and was never acknowledged by him since we were both shy. After a while, and a few more visits, we warmed up to each other and the rest was history. I am very close with his sister and me and her have a lot of pictures together (Which isnt too helpful, since I am not filing for her...LOL) and he is also loved by my family(Who is of TRINIDADIAN DESCENT..Does that matter? lol) and I have pictures of him with members of my family on countless occasions.

    He went to school here for high school and received a NYC diploma. He also received a college scholarship for his exceptional athletic abilites in soccer, but upon the scout finding out his status, he couldn't go to school >:-o . When we got married, his status wasn't an issue for me, because I was and am still in love with my husband and thought, "God will make a way".

    **My husband has all the documents he needs, including his birth certificate, I-94 card, and both passports WITH STAMPS, as he traveled back and forth before the Visa was up, since his father lived in Trinidad and his mother lives in the states.

    On the day of my marriage, my husband was finally allowed to spend the night at my house, and after conning my mother into speaking to my father, who was still in shock, he said "He can move in, if that's what makes you guys happy" :-D lol!! So, he acutally officially moved in on our wedding day. I had been planning a wedding, that my parents and aunt offered to pay for, but my husband and I let our pride get the best of us and we decided that we would have a wedding when we could pay for it, not one out of charity. So, we decided to go to city hall instead.

    Now, I know we qualify for the I-130 & I-485 concurrent filing, as we sought out a free consultation at a college and the consultant told us that we do, but didn't give us much information. He gave us all the forms to fill out a few months ago, but we decided to take our time. Now, due to financial stressors, we are ready to file, so he can work and we can finally build a life together. He has no criminal record of any sort and hasn't worked in this country at all. Our parent give us money for metrocards now and again, but I took out a student loan, so we are basically good with covering our small expenses now. My financial aid also helps us a great deal.

    As a young couple, my question is, what kind of evidence can we use?
    Since we are so young:::

    -we DONT have car, life, or health insurance.

    -We currently live with my parents and they are very supportive of us, so there is NO LEASE IN OUR NAMES..

    -I am the US citizen and I am IN COLLEGE, SO I DO NOT HAVE A JOB, and dont plan on working until I get my degree in June 2013. However,I already asked my AUNT TO BE THE JOINT SPONSOR, since she makes around 75K a year and only supports herself and her daughter.

    -When I recieved my financial aid and loan checks, I spent nearly 800$ getting new clothes and shoes for my husband, as he deserved a shopping trip, which was long over due. I HAVE ThE RECEIPTS FOR THOSE.

    -I also have a Capital one credit card that he is on and he has his OWN card with his name on it, and it has the same numbers as mine and everything.

    -We have EMAILS, from when my cellphone service was cut off for months. We also have ******** MESSAGES and WALL POSTS,etc. (Dating about 2 yrs. back, when we started dating) and A FEW PICTURES.

    -We no longer have the picture of our city hall wedding, since the camera was lost. We do have a video though, which I Know isn't helpful.(Still Images of the video maybe? Yes/No?)

    We have TEXT MESSAGES as well and;


    **We did have a Chase account, which got cancelled after it was stolen. Should I bring a mail with both of our names on it, showing that we once had one and explain the situation?**
    - I have a few of the invitations that we were going to use for our wedding as well. Maybe include a copy to show that we were in fact planning a wedding?(Or is that irrelevant? I think so.)**
    -I also have little pictures that we took here and there, like some with him and my mother when we went out do dinner! he loves him like he was her own and vice versa ^.^ !

    **** *Any other suggestions of things we can use would be greatly appreciated. I know my husband like the back of my hand, so the interview questions dont scare me. I just want things to go smoothly and I don't want to get denied due to a lack of evidence. Also, can someone tell me if there is any other reason for me to wait on starting this process. Is our age a problem??. I am ready to get our lives started and have been planning a celebratory vacation for the longest while & can't wait! (Since he can't travel right now > )

    ***We definitely plan on getting his social and NYS ID AS SOON AS the EAD comes, and with that we can get even more evidence, like adding him back to my chase account, so that should be helpful as well??? ****

    **Do we need new forms to file for the upcoming year or are they pretty much the same? Any updated filing fee information would also be helpful! Last I checked, it was about $1,490! Correct??***

    **** **** *ONE MORE THING! I have yet to change my last name, because I never found the time to do it and for a long while I thought it automatically changed and was using his last name until I was told otherwise, lol. Should I go do that ASAP, or is it fine with the different last names? **** **** ***

    Sorry for the long message, but I am really trying to take this slow and do things properly!!!!!!!


    **PS If anyone has questions that they need to ask in order to be able to help me better, that would be greatly appreciated and I will be more than eager to answer any of them!**




