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Green card interview went well, but no decision - file being held for review

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  • #16
    Another week passes and no word back from the USCIS. Officially past the one month mark... So frustrating.


    • #17

      Mine has 1 month too where you went for interview mine is in Chicago and yours


      • #18

        Originally posted by StrikerI View Post
        Another week passes and no word back from the USCIS. Officially past the one month mark... So frustrating.
        Hi Striker. I've been wondering why some people get their green card within a week and others wait months. Do you think it has to do with back ground checks or its just plain luck?? I've read a lot of threads and I cant seem to find any pattern.


        • #19
          To MoSummers,

          Background check and complexity of the case no doubt can result in delays but I think it comes down to plain old luck. Some officers can be backed up or are just plain disorganized and let cases sit in a corner for awhile until they are forced to look at it when we make an InfoPass appointment or inquiry.

          I am now past the one month mark and still waiting...So sick and tired of this wait.
          Last edited by StrikerI; 07-23-2013, 06:06 PM.


          • #20

            Originally posted by StrikerI View Post
            To MoSummers,

            Background check and complexity of the case no doubt can result in delays but I think it comes down to plain old luck. Some officers can be backed up or are just plain disorganized and let cases sit in a corner for awhile until they are forced to look at it when we make an InfoPass appointment or inquiry.

            I am now past the one month mark and still waiting...So sick and tired of this wait.
            Hey Striker,
            I feel the same way. I decided to get a hobby. Been going to the library lately. Although worrying about my status distracts me and I find it difficult to concentrate, but it sure helps with passing time. Sometimes, I think bout going somewhere far away, no phones, no internet etc and when I come back home, I'll have my GC waiting in the mail box. Silly right? The worst part is, I'm scared to get a job cos the IO took my EAD. So, it feels like i'm back to square 1. Anyway, not much we can do but to wait and pray. Will keep you posted.


            • #21
              To Mosummers,

              I know your feeling all too well. Each time I see a new text comes in, my heart races to see if it is a response from those guys. It is very difficult to stay positive while we are in limbo and I totally concur with your approach to remain distracted. Its very smart. Keep going to the library, exercising or just about doing anything while these bureaucratic clowns sort out all this paperwork. Please keep us updated.


              • #22

                Originally posted by StrikerI View Post
                To Mosummers,

                I know your feeling all too well. Each time I see a new text comes in, my heart races to see if it is a response from those guys. It is very difficult to stay positive while we are in limbo and I totally concur with your approach to remain distracted. Its very smart. Keep going to the library, exercising or just about doing anything while these bureaucratic clowns sort out all this paperwork. Please keep us updated.
                Hi Striker.

                I just checked my status and it says my card is out for production. I feel so relieved and a little bit excited. I guess I would have been more excited getting the news after the interview. Have you checked your status today? I hope to hear the good news from you soon. Please keep me updated. Thanks so much for your replies. Will be in touch. I have to go through this process in 2yrs again. Hmm!!


                • #23
                  To Mosummers,

                  Big congrats to you!!! Unfortunately still no answer on my end. Have an Infopass appointment scheduled 10 days from today. Can't do anything now but to wait.


                  • #24
                    Today is day #47 post interview and still nada. Have an InfoPass appointment two days from now. So sick and tired of this process.


                    • #25

                      Hi primos seems like we are in same boat, I had an interview on july 23 and the interview was good the officer asked me only 2 questions same with her also.it was just 20 mins interview he didn't ask for any evidence, finally he handed me 3 page letter*in that letter it says what are my rights to the united state as a permanent resident. And also he told me tht he will notify me the decision by mail. He didn't take my i94 and ead card.


                      • #26
                        I went to Infopass appointment yesterday and they told me that our file was just sitting in a box all this time and also that our IO was a newbie and needed supervisor approval. We waited nearly an hour while they were going to sort it out and at the conclusion they told us verbally that we were approved and to expect written notice within 30 days. I said that we have travel plans in September and they said we will definitely have it by then but if not to return to get a stamp.

                        So nearly 28 hours later, the wait goes on 50 days post interview. So frustrated with this bureaucracy and mess...


                        • #27
                          So a full week after the Infopass appointment where they verbally said we we were approved and to wait for official notice within 30 days, no updates of any sorts. Getting so fed up with this process. Its been nearly 8 months since the application was filed, and nearly 2 full months since the interview date. Sometimes I wonder what I did wrong to deserve this bad luck when a vast majority of people get approvals within a 3-5 months window.


                          • #28
                            @ stricker

                            Hi striker I am in the same boat. today is officially 150 days and two months from the interview . No respond from uscis hopefully will be hearing from them soon I have info pass this friday lets see what will happen I will keep you posted


                            • #29
                              So today is the *****al day #60 post interview. Called national hotline and they were completely useless just merely citing what's already listed online. Just fired off all a long email to my lawyer asking "WTF?"" Its now been a full 60 days post interview and nearly 8 months in total. This is a classic example of us being held hostage by one inept and dumb officer who is disorganized and inefficient. Amazing how many lives one person can ruin for so many.

                              Not sure who my lawyer can talk to break this stalemate. I have already done everything I can in my power including (i) calling national hotline (ii) having my lawyer sent a letter (iii) go on InfoPass (iv) sent in for Congressional help and (v) set up another InfoPass appointment. I am seriously nearing the end of the road and about to just give up.


                              • #30
                                So the wife just got off the phone with the National Hotline. Of course as expected they said that our case is still being processed and accused us of fabricating an approval. They said if we were approved, we would be given a notice. We brought up the 60 days post interview and they just blankly said to check back in another month if we don't hear anything so they can see what's up. I give up. I hate these annoying and irritating clowns.





