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Help with my I-485 Process

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  • Help with my I-485 Process

    First of all I would like to thank everyone who takes his time and read this and I really apriciate anybody who can help.

    Here is my store I'm 16 years old I was born in Mexico City and came to the US (Florida) 6 months ago with a B2 Visa (My Visa just expired yesterday) Thankfully my mom is a US citizen and he sponsored me (we filled form I-130 in late August) , he sponsored my twin brother and my older sister for green card before since they lived with her here in the us, I used to live in Mexico with my dad, My sister got her residence at age 19 and my brother just some month ago so he automatically became a Citizen since he is a minor.

    The I-130 is still pending, I submitted I-485 with I-131, I-1-785, the medical examinations and my mom filled I-864 (I sent all the package in late November), I have received my appointment for biometrics for the 16th of January, I also received a form for initial evidence that really scares me, I need to submit All Supporting tax documentation W-2s, 1099s, and all supporting tax schedules for the most recent tax year from my mom, proof of assets that she is able to support me or get a join sponsor. My mom works at Walreens and she doesn't have enough income for poverty line, my dad sends her around $2,000 from Mexico each month for child support, A father of my dad is going to be my join sponsor, he has enough income (around 90,000$).

    I will submitted all the information from my mom (all tax supporting documentation) even thought she doesn't meet the poverty line requirement along with my joint sponsor (I-864) and of course go to biometrics the 16th of Jan)

    Do you guys think I will receive an interview? non of my brothers did.

    If my application gets denied, will I have to go back to Mexico, will I be able to come back as a tourist?

    I'm scared for some reason my process will get denied I really love America and I love high school here, I know I will be a great citizen, this process has really been stressful for me since I had to raise all the money to pay for the forms and I had to fill them my self, my mom filled her forms to sponsor me but no immigration lawyer was involved, if any of you have some advice pleas let me know, thank you very much.

  • #2
    While it's to your credit that you were able to put this package together without forking out $1,500 or more for attorney assistance, you would be better prepared if you have someone with experience review all your documents.

    Since you now have to respond to the RFE for sponsorship evidence, and this is the most difficult part of a conversion package for many, get a second set of eyes with experience to review your sponsorship docs. The I-864 currently in use, only a few months old, creates lots of problems because of the barcode error-checking, in addition to the complexity of providing proof that spnosorship requirements cam be met.

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by raulrdz View Post
    First of all I would like to thank everyone who takes his time and read this and I really apriciate anybody who can help.

    Here is my store I'm 16 years old I was born in Mexico City and came to the US (Florida) 6 months ago with a B2 Visa (My Visa just expired yesterday) Thankfully my mom is a US citizen and he sponsored me (we filled form I-130 in late August) , he sponsored my twin brother and my older sister for green card before since they lived with her here in the us, I used to live in Mexico with my dad, My sister got her residence at age 19 and my brother just some month ago so he automatically became a Citizen since he is a minor.

    The I-130 is still pending, I submitted I-485 with I-131, I-1-785, the medical examinations and my mom filled I-864 (I sent all the package in late November), I have received my appointment for biometrics for the 16th of January, I also received a form for initial evidence that really scares me, I need to submit All Supporting tax documentation W-2s, 1099s, and all supporting tax schedules for the most recent tax year from my mom, proof of assets that she is able to support me or get a join sponsor. My mom works at Walreens and she doesn't have enough income for poverty line, my dad sends her around $2,000 from Mexico each month for child support, A father of my dad is going to be my join sponsor, he has enough income (around 90,000$).

    I will submitted all the information from my mom (all tax supporting documentation) even thought she doesn't meet the poverty line requirement along with my joint sponsor (I-864) and of course go to biometrics the 16th of Jan)

    Do you guys think I will receive an interview? non of my brothers did.

    If my application gets denied, will I have to go back to Mexico, will I be able to come back as a tourist?

    I'm scared for some reason my process will get denied I really love America and I love high school here, I know I will be a great citizen, this process has really been stressful for me since I had to raise all the money to pay for the forms and I had to fill them my self, my mom filled her forms to sponsor me but no immigration lawyer was involved, if any of you have some advice pleas let me know, thank you very much.


    • #3
      Help with my I-485 Process

      Hola que tal ! No creo que tengas muchas problemas con tu petición pero haz copias de todo que mandas. No importa que tu madre no haga lo suficiente pero que mandes sus copias de impuestos. Y si tienes a tu abuelo que te va ayudar con sponsership pues el necesita mandar copias de sus impuestos de el IRS. SI TIENES una ínter vista con USCIS no es el fin del mundo simplemente así son las reglas. Si te hace ayuda pues me avisas. Good luck


      • #4
        Help with my I-485 Process

        I agree with Ray on his assessment of your details. If your grandpa or other family members will sponsor you please have all their tax info to prove income and if your daddy is sending your mom money than submit that as proof as well. Anything helps. If you have any questions just ask me. I did all the paper work for my wife and son who also were from Mexico City.





