while printing out my form i864 in the library i discovered some BAR CODES appeared while using the libraries system and printers for corrections. I and my wife had earlier downloaded all form 485, 325a,i864,i130,i765,693 and g1143 from USCIS respectively(but no barcodes), filled and signed, ready to submit WITHOUT ANY BARCODES on any of the forms. but i discovered that on i864 the space for the barcodes are blank.
1.. Please if we submit without the bar codes visibly showing on the forms, are our forms going to be rejected?
2... Is it right to send without bar code visibly showing on the form?
3... Should i start all over again to download, fill and sign all forms again?
while printing out my form i864 in the library i discovered some BAR CODES appeared while using the libraries system and printers for corrections. I and my wife had earlier downloaded all form 485, 325a,i864,i130,i765,693 and g1143 from USCIS respectively(but no barcodes), filled and signed, ready to submit WITHOUT ANY BARCODES on any of the forms. but i discovered that on i864 the space for the barcodes are blank.
1.. Please if we submit without the bar codes visibly showing on the forms, are our forms going to be rejected?
2... Is it right to send without bar code visibly showing on the form?
3... Should i start all over again to download, fill and sign all forms again?