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foreign student getting married

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  • foreign student getting married


    I hope I am writing at the right part of the forum. I'm a French national, coming to a US university as an exchange student for about 5 months. I was curious to know, whether it's rational to get married to my American partner of 5 years as soon as I get there as a student, and apply for a green card right then? Please note that after the exchange semester, I'll be back in Paris for another 6 months, after which I would like to move to America permanently.

    Do those 5 months in the US suffice for all the paperwork, and also the issuance of the green card? Would there be a problem if let's say I'll study in a different state than that of my partner's?

    Thank you very much,

  • #2

    A five-month period is probably the minimum time needed for completion of Green Card processing. Many things could interfere with completion in this timeframe, so you must not make future plans based on a certainty of Green Card receipt in that time spab.

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by vlad_kaz View Post

    I hope I am writing at the right part of the forum. I'm a French national, coming to a US university as an exchange student for about 5 months. I was curious to know, whether it's rational to get married to my American partner of 5 years as soon as I get there as a student, and apply for a green card right then? Please note that after the exchange semester, I'll be back in Paris for another 6 months, after which I would like to move to America permanently.

    Do those 5 months in the US suffice for all the paperwork, and also the issuance of the green card? Would there be a problem if let's say I'll study in a different state than that of my partner's?

    Thank you very much,


    • #3
      Originally posted by rayb View Post

      A five-month period is probably the minimum time needed for completion of Green Card processing. Many things could interfere with completion in this timeframe, so you must not make future plans based on a certainty of Green Card receipt in that time spab.

      --Ray B

      Thank you very much for your response. Considering I'll stay in the US after I get married to my fiancé and that during the first two years of my conditional permanent resident status, I'll be studying in a different state, would this bring my chance of having the "unconditional" status removed to zero? We will undoubtedly be visiting each other as much as we can (as we do now as he flies here from New York to Paris almost every month).

      Thank you very much,
      Sincerely yours





