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  • Aos

    I'm from UK and been legally married to U.S. citizen for two years and have been waiting for change of status but now marriage has not worked out so any advise on how this effects the process and can I still continue to live in us
    Any advice would be appreciated

  • #2
    What is the current status of your Adjustment of Status processing?
    Are there any police reports, hospital records or marriage counselling documents?

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by Masih17 View Post
    I'm from UK and been legally married to U.S. citizen for two years and have been waiting for change of status but now marriage has not worked out so any advise on how this effects the process and can I still continue to live in us
    Any advice would be appreciated


    • #3

      Originally posted by rayb View Post
      What is the current status of your Adjustment of Status processing?
      Are there any police reports, hospital records or marriage counselling documents?

      --Ray B
      Thank for the reply
      No no reports of any kind
      Had police report/medical records at U.S. embassy back in London when I applied for the visa
      Entered us with a fiancé visa
      Had wedding within time limit and then submitted for change of status
      Had acknowledgement and that was it not heard nothing since
      Only thing I've received is my social security number
      So it's been 2years married now but the marriage hasn't worked not started any divorce proceeding yet and not living together
      I'm worried how this will effect me in staying in us and how to proceed
      I would appreciate any advice on my situation


      • #4
        Did you submit the Adjustment of Status package yet? If so, when?
        Have you had Biometrics yet? If so, when?
        Have you had interview yet?

        Depending on your answers to the above, I'll get back to you with some suggestions.

        --Ray B

        Originally posted by Masih17 View Post
        Thank for the reply
        No no reports of any kind
        Had police report/medical records at U.S. embassy back in London when I applied for the visa
        Entered us with a fiancé visa
        Had wedding within time limit and then submitted for change of status
        Had acknowledgement and that was it not heard nothing since
        Only thing I've received is my social security number
        So it's been 2years married now but the marriage hasn't worked not started any divorce proceeding yet and not living together
        I'm worried how this will effect me in staying in us and how to proceed
        I would appreciate any advice on my situation


        • #5
          Originally posted by rayb View Post
          Did you submit the Adjustment of Status package yet? If so, when?
          Have you had Biometrics yet? If so, when?
          Have you had interview yet?

          Depending on your answers to the above, I'll get back to you with some suggestions.

          --Ray B
          Hi Rayb
          Had biometrics and police report done in UK before I got issued with visa aver 2 years ago
          Came over to us in May 2012
          Got married August 2012
          Submitted aos pack straight after
          Had acknowledgment and cheque cashed
          It seems a long time to process and I've had no communication since


          • #6

            If you submitted the Adjustment of Status in 2012, you should have had an additional Biometrics appointment in the U.S., followed by an Adjustment interview a few months later.

            What you are saying suggests that nothing has happened with USCIS sine you submitted your Adustment of Status package in 2012.

            Is this correct?

            Or did you actually receive a two-year Green Card in 2012 or 2013?

            --Ray B

            Originally posted by Masih17 View Post
            Hi Rayb
            Had biometrics and police report done in UK before I got issued with visa aver 2 years ago
            Came over to us in May 2012
            Got married August 2012
            Submitted aos pack straight after
            Had acknowledgment and cheque cashed
            It seems a long time to process and I've had no communication since


            • #7
              Originally posted by rayb View Post

              If you submitted the Adjustment of Status in 2012, you should have had an additional Biometrics appointment in the U.S., followed by an Adjustment interview a few months later.

              What you are saying suggests that nothing has happened with USCIS sine you submitted your Adustment of Status package in 2012.

              Is this correct?

              Or did you actually receive a two-year Green Card in 2012 or 2013?

              --Ray B
              Yes nothing has happened since the aos was submitted
              No communication what so ever
              No 2yearr green card


              • #8

                That makes no sense whatsoever. If you submitted your Adjustment of Status package two years ago and there were no receipts, no Biometrics, no requests for evidence, and no interview, you either moved and didn't receive USCIS mail or it never reached USCIS.

                Do you know whether the $1,070 submittal fee ( probably $1,055 in 2012) was ever cashed?

                If I paid any government agency a thousand dollars and didn't hear from them for over two years, I would have been on their doorstep a long time ago.

                What are you not telling us?

                --Ray B

                Originally posted by Masih17 View Post
                Yes nothing has happened since the aos was submitted
                No communication what so ever
                No 2yearr green card


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rayb View Post

                  That makes no sense whatsoever. If you submitted your Adjustment of Status package two years ago and there were no receipts, no Biometrics, no requests for evidence, and no interview, you either moved and didn't receive USCIS mail or it never reached USCIS.

                  Do you know whether the $1,070 submittal fee ( probably $1,055 in 2012) was ever cashed?

                  If I paid any government agency a thousand dollars and didn't hear from them for over two years, I would have been on their doorstep a long time ago.

                  What are you not telling us?

                  --Ray B
                  Hi Rayb
                  Sorry if my questions seem a bit naive but coming from UK I've had to rely on my us wife to submit most of the paperwork
                  The submittal fee was cashed
                  Received ref number
                  We did move and notified them with new address
                  Do you think that by moving it has messed up the process?
                  If so what's my next step to find out what's happening with the process
                  It's no use asking for someone's advise/help by not disclosing all facts
                  I'm telling you all facts that I'm aware off
                  Also point out we was living at one address when we sent aos
                  Then moved which we notified them about
                  And now we're both at different addresses until a few weeks ago
                  At which point we still hadn't heard anything
                  Thanks again for trying to understand my predictment


                  • #10

                    The first thing you need to do is check your receipt number on the USCIS status page at:

                    It is very likely that your address change report to USCIS was never attached to your Adjustment of Status petition

                    --Ray B

                    Originally posted by Masih17 View Post
                    Hi Rayb
                    Sorry if my questions seem a bit naive but coming from UK I've had to rely on my us wife to submit most of the paperwork
                    The submittal fee was cashed
                    Received ref number
                    We did move and notified them with new address
                    Do you think that by moving it has messed up the process?
                    If so what's my next step to find out what's happening with the process
                    It's no use asking for someone's advise/help by not disclosing all facts
                    I'm telling you all facts that I'm aware off
                    Also point out we was living at one address when we sent aos
                    Then moved which we notified them about
                    And now we're both at different addresses until a few weeks ago
                    At which point we still hadn't heard anything
                    Thanks again for trying to understand my predictment


                    • #11

                      hello rayb, any idea for this?

                      I am a US CITIZEN and my WIFE is FI VISA

                      We did the marriage interview Nov.17 2014 and the Officer did not say anything that we are approve or not. He just hand the letter saying that our case is being held and review. Anyway we gave the a proof like, JOINT LEASE AGREEMENT FOR APARTMENT, JOINT BANK ACCOUNT STATEMENT, (shows that I sign the checks also and my wife sign too, gave them our 2 CAR TITLE W/ our name together also, also the Car loan AGREEMENT to our name together, HEALTH INSURANCE together w/ our nane, DENTAL INSURANCE , together in our name, CREDIT CARD With same card number but separate card but i have my own card under my name and same w/ hers, I also brought PHOTO ALBUM, (not sure he really looks w/ the photos, also gave the copy of thr judgement of my DIVORCE PAPER ,

                      our interview takes 90 minutes, (3:15pm - 3:45)
                      after i hand those proofs The OFFICER was try to hurry looks like he wanted to go home, he hand the letter to us and he said that "the case being held and review"

                      I dont know whats going on why he have to review it, I hand him all my proofs, and marriage certificate.

                      anyone here have idea and experience like this? How long are we gonna wait to know about the results?

                      our friend was interview yesterday and approve on the spot.

                      why our case not?


                      • #12
                        Your interview was 3 days ago and you're looking for opinions while the "jury is still out."

                        Based on what you say the interviewer said, there was something he saw that seemed suspicious, and he is escalating to supervisor approval.

                        The worst case is that you will both be called back for a second interview.

                        Surely, if you were interviewed for 90 minutes, you must have some idea of what might have caught the interviewer's attention. If you share your idea of what was going wrong, perhaps we can offer a better opinion of your status.

                        --Ray B

                        QUOTE=echoes0704;373053]hello rayb, any idea for this?

                        I am a US CITIZEN and my WIFE is FI VISA

                        We did the marriage interview Nov.17 2014 and the Officer did not say anything that we are approve or not. He just hand the letter saying that our case is being held and review. Anyway we gave the a proof like, JOINT LEASE AGREEMENT FOR APARTMENT, JOINT BANK ACCOUNT STATEMENT, (shows that I sign the checks also and my wife sign too, gave them our 2 CAR TITLE W/ our name together also, also the Car loan AGREEMENT to our name together, HEALTH INSURANCE together w/ our nane, DENTAL INSURANCE , together in our name, CREDIT CARD With same card number but separate card but i have my own card under my name and same w/ hers, I also brought PHOTO ALBUM, (not sure he really looks w/ the photos, also gave the copy of thr judgement of my DIVORCE PAPER ,

                        our interview takes 90 minutes, (3:15pm - 3:45)
                        after i hand those proofs The OFFICER was try to hurry looks like he wanted to go home, he hand the letter to us and he said that "the case being held and review"

                        I dont know whats going on why he have to review it, I hand him all my proofs, and marriage certificate.

                        anyone here have idea and experience like this? How long are we gonna wait to know about the results?

                        our friend was interview yesterday and approve on the spot.

                        why our case not?[/QUOTE]





