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I-864 Affidavit of support

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  • I-864 Affidavit of support

    Good-dayoto you all I have a question, what if on the form the joint sponsor cant find his last of the three tax transcipt. He doesnt know how much he made that year so he will leave the spot requesting that information blank will it be a problem. He will be sending his 2013 return as requested. I just want to know if it will be a problem. I really need to know because I want yo send off these documents thank you.

  • #2
    All the sponsor need is the most recent of his Federal income tax returns, 2013, with W2 and/or 1099 forms.

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by Essentialblessings View Post
    Good-dayoto you all I have a question, what if on the form the joint sponsor cant find his last of the three tax transcipt. He doesnt know how much he made that year so he will leave the spot requesting that information blank will it be a problem. He will be sending his 2013 return as requested. I just want to know if it will be a problem. I really need to know because I want yo send off these documents thank you.


    • #3
      Originally posted by rayb View Post
      All the sponsor need is the most recent of his Federal income tax returns, 2013, with W2 and/or 1099 forms.

      --Ray B
      Thank you very much.


      • #4
        will they reject it if the Sponser only provide on the recent one tax year of 2013

        Please can USCIS reject a sponsor with only one most recent year of 2013? Also can one sponsorer be eligible to Sponsor 3 intending immigrants when he has a good job with a good salary ( city job)??? Please rescue ...thanks


        • #5
          Mr Rayb can you help in this?

          Please Mr Rayb, can u help in this case??


          • #6
            The I-864 only requries copy of the most recent tax year Federal income tax return.

            So long as the sponsor has sufficient documented income to meet the requirements, he can sponsor as many immigrants as his income allows.

            --Ray B

            Originally posted by lexlugga View Post
            Please can USCIS reject a sponsor with only one most recent year of 2013? Also can one sponsorer be eligible to Sponsor 3 intending immigrants when he has a good job with a good salary ( city job)??? Please rescue ...thanks


            • #7
              thank u Rayb

              Thank u sir. The reason I asked was that my supporter has only file 2013 federal tax return only, and the instructions no form I- 864 state the most three years tax return. So it was kinda confusing...


              • #8
                The I-864 allows three years of tax returns to be reported, but ONLY REQUIRES THE MOST RECENT TAX RETURN INCOME AMOUNT AND COPY TO BE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL.

                --Ray B

                Originally posted by lexlugga View Post
                Thank u sir. The reason I asked was that my supporter has only file 2013 federal tax return only, and the instructions no form I- 864 state the most three years tax return. So it was kinda confusing...





