Hey there,
dumb question I know but shall I use the address below if I use ''Express Mail by Usps'' ?
Attn: I-130
131 South Dearborn-3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517''
Or this one ?
P.O. Box 804625
Chicago, IL 60680-4107''
This page makes me confused http://www.uscis.gov/i-485-addresses
dumb question I know but shall I use the address below if I use ''Express Mail by Usps'' ?
Attn: I-130
131 South Dearborn-3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517''
Or this one ?
P.O. Box 804625
Chicago, IL 60680-4107''
This page makes me confused http://www.uscis.gov/i-485-addresses