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What kind of tax and work documents are needed for I-864 Affidavit of support?

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  • What kind of tax and work documents are needed for I-864 Affidavit of support?

    So my fiance and I are about to file for adjustment of status but I am confused of what documents that is needed to support the I-864. I have been doing research but is still confused, especially since some posts dates back over 10 years. What my fiance does have at home already is a W-2 and 1040A, is that enough or is more needed? Is the 1040A the federal tax return? And if so, is only the first two pages needed (numbers 1-51)?
    On the instructions to I-864 you can find "also include a copy of each and every Form 1099, Schedule and any other evidence of reported income.", what does this mean and what are these documents?

  • #2
    With the I-864, submit copies of all pages that were included in the submittal of the Federal income tax return. For the Form 1040A, which is the base form, there shouldn't be many other pages. The most recent tax year submittal is all that is needed.

    Include copies of most recent tax year W2 and 1099 forms.

    Include an employment verification letter.

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by steen View Post
    So my fiance and I are about to file for adjustment of status but I am confused of what documents that is needed to support the I-864. I have been doing research but is still confused, especially since some posts dates back over 10 years. What my fiance does have at home already is a W-2 and 1040A, is that enough or is more needed? Is the 1040A the federal tax return? And if so, is only the first two pages needed (numbers 1-51)?
    On the instructions to I-864 you can find "also include a copy of each and every Form 1099, Schedule and any other evidence of reported income.", what does this mean and what are these documents?


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply!
      Hopefully he will know what papers that was submitted, but if not, what papers were submitted and were you supposed to hold on to them or can they be sent you somehow? By the most recent tax year submittal, do you mean the 1040A and its two pages? Is the 1099 forms only if you had any other sort of income besides your employment? I will obviously have to ask him, but I don't think that he had that, do you still need to submit that then? Does the employment verification have to be special form or does only have to be a letter confirming the employment, his position and that they plan to keep him as an employee? Thank you again!

      Originally posted by rayb View Post
      With the I-864, submit copies of all pages that were included in the submittal of the Federal income tax return. For the Form 1040A, which is the base form, there shouldn't be many other pages. The most recent tax year submittal is all that is needed.

      Include copies of most recent tax year W2 and 1099 forms.

      Include an employment verification letter.

      --Ray B





