So my fiance and I are about to file for adjustment of status but I am confused of what documents that is needed to support the I-864. I have been doing research but is still confused, especially since some posts dates back over 10 years. What my fiance does have at home already is a W-2 and 1040A, is that enough or is more needed? Is the 1040A the federal tax return? And if so, is only the first two pages needed (numbers 1-51)?
On the instructions to I-864 you can find "also include a copy of each and every Form 1099, Schedule and any other evidence of reported income.", what does this mean and what are these documents?
On the instructions to I-864 you can find "also include a copy of each and every Form 1099, Schedule and any other evidence of reported income.", what does this mean and what are these documents?