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getting certified to file forms

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  • getting certified to file forms

    Thank you all,

    I've been trying to investigate how can I get licensed to help people with immigration forms. I've learned a lot throughout time and want to get certified. I live in Houston, does anyone know what do I need to do?

    Thank you very much and hope someone can give me a useful answer.

    Thank you

  • #2
    Are you a lawyer? If not then going to a law school should be the first step in your quest. Its not just about filling forms bro. Some people have complicated issues which sometimes require a legal representative.


    • #3
      getting certified to file forms

      Thank you bro, I really appreciated it


      • #4
        There is a fine line, subject to interpretation, between assisting with an immigration form and practicing law without a license. There is no national government-recognized certification of layperson immigrant consultants. In many states, such practice is fairly routine, and in other states, especially Texas, the attorney lobby is very strong in opposing non-attorney assistance with even completing immigration-related forms. In California, there is a state certification program for "immigration consultants," requiring background checking and an expensive liability bond. But even with such registration, any consumer complaint, from either an unhappy client or a jealous attorney, can get even registered practicioners in trouble. My wife once attended a citizenship seminar in Arizona and was told by Texas-based citizenship prepping professionals that they could "get in trouble" for even filling out an N-400 form, so strong is the attorney lobby in that state.

        Ironically, however, there are study programs and expensive seminars being advertised that will supposedly prepare people who want to fill out immigration forms for fees.

        The advise you received from another poster is a good way to start, i.e., take law school immigration-related courses. Many immigration consultants gained experience working directly with practicing immigration attorneys.

        --Ray B

        Originally posted by sotol1990 View Post
        Thank you all,

        I've been trying to investigate how can I get licensed to help people with immigration forms. I've learned a lot throughout time and want to get certified. I live in Houston, does anyone know what do I need to do?

        Thank you very much and hope someone can give me a useful answer.

        Thank you





