Hi all
Another question in regards the AOS process. Evidence requirements for the petitioner to prove they have a sufficient income requests they provide the latest tax return. What if as in my case my wife only started her job a few months before filing the tax return was due. She won't make the income requirement as per that document although she is in a full time job earning in excess of $50k and has been from the beginning.
Is it likely that this application will be turned down even though she will have earned more than enough this last annual year?
Would supplying 6 months worth of pay stubbs not satisfy the income requirement or must it all show from the tax return alone? We don't want to have to ask someone else to co sponsor.
Just out of interest I can also show approx $30k in cash if need be if it will boost our chances.
Hope someone can respond, many thanks
Another question in regards the AOS process. Evidence requirements for the petitioner to prove they have a sufficient income requests they provide the latest tax return. What if as in my case my wife only started her job a few months before filing the tax return was due. She won't make the income requirement as per that document although she is in a full time job earning in excess of $50k and has been from the beginning.
Is it likely that this application will be turned down even though she will have earned more than enough this last annual year?
Would supplying 6 months worth of pay stubbs not satisfy the income requirement or must it all show from the tax return alone? We don't want to have to ask someone else to co sponsor.
Just out of interest I can also show approx $30k in cash if need be if it will boost our chances.
Hope someone can respond, many thanks