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Can I Be Deported Immediatly ?

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  • Can I Be Deported Immediatly ?

    I am currently in the United States where I am seeking residency here. I have been here since 2002 and am scheduled to have an interview with Immigration Officials sometime in the very near future. My wife is currently pregnant and due to give birth in April, I am needless to say extremely worried about the situation and I want to be here for the birth and our babys first few months. My case could go either way and I am scared I could be deported before our baby is even born. Could someone please tell me what the procedures are normally with regard to being deported. Could I be deported immediatly after my interview if the Immigration Officials dont like me or dont believe my story and dont believe that our almost four year marriage isnt real ? Whats the deal ? Do they tell you then and there whether you will be approved or not ? Can you be deported straight away or does it usually take time ? Can you appeal against the decision and if so how long in appeals etc can you tie the case up for because if I do get deported we will need time to put our affairs in order and plan for our move back to where I am originally from. Also is the appeal proccess expensive ? If anyone can help me out with any of these questions or could maybee even give me there opinion on my case then I would really appreciate it. My email address is adamhill1980@hotmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.....

  • #2
    think positive

    If you came into the country inspected, then you can stay an adjust, if you did not come in inspected then you will have to return to your country and depends on how long you are here will be barred for up to ten years. I hope that is not so. anyhowiif you came in legally and your wife is a US citizen then although you are out of status you will not have a problem, she can file for you and you can stay and adjust here, you may also have a problem if you were asked to leave the country by INS and you did not if even you are married to a citizen you can be deported when you show up for interview, I hope these does not apply to you otherwise just file your forms and good luck I will be looking for your postings,





