Hello. I really need help in my case. I hope everyone who has a good experience on it can help me.
I am an currently in the U.S on F1 visa. I got married in December 3rd, 2013. Me and my husband have submitted the I-130 form and it was approved. Then, we tried to submitted I-485 to change my status and request the social security number and working permit for me. However, at the first time, uscis rejected us because of too early to submit. Then, i submitted again. From this time to 3 months later, i received the biometric appointment and i have done for it. After a while, uscis sent us the Request Initial Evidence but we never ever received it. I went to the USCIS office to ask the copy of it. Then, on January 4th, 2016, I got the copy of initial evidence. I collect the transcrpit of tax 3 years ($23,000.00) and 3 recently checks of my husband.
I want to ask everything is okay with my case or not? And do you know how long to wait for another actions from uscis. because now, when i check on the website CHeck My Case Status, i dont see any actions or update expect this one: "Request for Initial Evidence Was Mailed
On September 30, 2015, we mailed a request for initial evidence for your Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status, Receipt Number MSC1591646966. The request for evidence explains what we need from you. We will not take action on your case until we receive the evidence or the deadline to submit it expires. Please follow the instructions in the request for evidence. If you do not receive your request for evidence by October 30, 2015, please go to www.uscis.gov/e-request to request a copy of the notice. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address"
i really worry about it. I really need help.
Please help me.
Thanks so so much.
I am an currently in the U.S on F1 visa. I got married in December 3rd, 2013. Me and my husband have submitted the I-130 form and it was approved. Then, we tried to submitted I-485 to change my status and request the social security number and working permit for me. However, at the first time, uscis rejected us because of too early to submit. Then, i submitted again. From this time to 3 months later, i received the biometric appointment and i have done for it. After a while, uscis sent us the Request Initial Evidence but we never ever received it. I went to the USCIS office to ask the copy of it. Then, on January 4th, 2016, I got the copy of initial evidence. I collect the transcrpit of tax 3 years ($23,000.00) and 3 recently checks of my husband.
I want to ask everything is okay with my case or not? And do you know how long to wait for another actions from uscis. because now, when i check on the website CHeck My Case Status, i dont see any actions or update expect this one: "Request for Initial Evidence Was Mailed
On September 30, 2015, we mailed a request for initial evidence for your Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status, Receipt Number MSC1591646966. The request for evidence explains what we need from you. We will not take action on your case until we receive the evidence or the deadline to submit it expires. Please follow the instructions in the request for evidence. If you do not receive your request for evidence by October 30, 2015, please go to www.uscis.gov/e-request to request a copy of the notice. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address"
i really worry about it. I really need help.
Please help me.
Thanks so so much.