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Application Forms

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  • Application Forms

    When people have submitted their forms, have you stapled any continuation sheets or used paperclips?
    I have completed mine electronically so the bar code is in use. I don't know if these forms are scanned in so would you staple all pages of the longer forms together or leave loose?

  • #2
    I normally use a single staple for entire package (up to about 20 pages) or ACCO metal fastener for entire package.

    Having seen some returned packages, the DHS staff will undo fasteners or staples and rearrange everything for stamping and review.

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by WhoDaDaddy View Post
    When people have submitted their forms, have you stapled any continuation sheets or used paperclips?
    I have completed mine electronically so the bar code is in use. I don't know if these forms are scanned in so would you staple all pages of the longer forms together or leave loose?


    • #3
      Originally posted by rayb View Post
      I normally use a single staple for entire package (up to about 20 pages) or ACCO metal fastener for entire package.

      Having seen some returned packages, the DHS staff will undo fasteners or staples and rearrange everything for stamping and review.

      --Ray B
      I attempted to do the best I could with clips, plastic wallets and rubber bands!! Basically try and do the least to annoy the recipient of the package as they must see hundreds!
      I don't think mine was super organised but "passable"

      Thank you rayb





