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From F1 to Green Card

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  • From F1 to Green Card

    just to give you a short background, I am currently 19 years old (almost 20) and I am in the US for one year now with a F1 (student visa). I met my Fiance 3 years ago online and last year in January I visited him for the first time. Last year in August I moved to him and now we decided to marry this summer.
    I looked everything up and have a few questions where I just couldnt find an answer.

    1. How did you send the documents away? Did you put them just in a box or did you put the documents in a folder and than in a box?
    2. Should you put the documents in a special order? I know that the G-1145 should be the first one but what about the other documents?
    3. Do you think we will get in trouble because we knew each other before I moved here? We wont mention that we planed to marry before I was here but I dont want that we get problems.

    Thank you so much for your help

  • #2
    Order of documents: Follow USCIS guides on the order of docs. The guides are on USCIS website and on the isntructions of most I-xxx forms.

    In any case, it is recommended that you submit a general cover letter for all whole package (all the G-1445 and I-xxx forms and supporting evidence), and a particular cover letter for each section (i.e. I-130; I-485...) listing every document from top to bottom. The USCIS officers will apreciate if you make their life easier.

    My bulky package was too big for an enveloppe, so we sent it in a ring binder with the general cover page clipped to the hard cover.

    Trouble for knowing eac other before:
    No problem for that particular thing. You just need to convince the officers that you did not enter the USA under an F1 visa just to get married. You need to convinve them that while you were studying you decided to get married... In that order. As simple as that, and regardless of your previous romantic status.

    All the best!





