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TB exam result - Does this indicate a pass or a fail?

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  • TB exam result - Does this indicate a pass or a fail?

    Hi All,

    I plan to file for adjustment of status for my elderly father in his eighties who is currently in the U.S. on a B2 visa.

    As a medical exam is required, he did an exam which included a TB skin test. Two days later, his TB skin test came out positive which didn't surprise me (because skin test positive and s-ray negative is very common for Asians). Therefore, he was required to do a chest x-ray to detect if he had active TB.

    I got the report for his chest x-ray and don't understand the report, because it talks about several things but no word of TB. The radiologist office refused to explain it. I'd appreciate it if you would share your insight about this report. It reads:

    "Mild opacity at the left lateral costophrenic angle which may present atelectasis, scarring or developing infiltrate. Comparison to any prior outside studies would be helpful".

    Could anyone share any insight of this report?

  • #2
    I'd like to provide an update. It's a pass, as I learned from the doctor's office.





