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Is it Possible to Adjust B1/B2 Visa into a K1?

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  • Is it Possible to Adjust B1/B2 Visa into a K1?

    This is more of a hypothetical but I am trying to be proactive and make sure we do everything properly. My girlfriend is Russian and is currently preparing to study in London . She will be on a student visa there for the next 1.5 years. She would like to apply for the multi-entry tourist visa to visit me and meet my family during the upcoming year, however, we are planning on getting married after she finishes her studies in London (Dec. 2017). If she were to posses a tourist visa for legitimate visits, could she have issues being granted a K1 visa in the future? In other words, I do no intend to bring her here on a B1/B2 visa only to get married and try and adjust it. I simply want to to see her soon while also going through the proper channels to bring her in legally as my fiancee. I hope that makes sense?

    Essentially I am asking if it is possible to adjust the B1/B2 visa with her not in the country.

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    You can petition her for a K1 while she holds a B visa.





