Did I screw myself up by doing this ? I took advice from someone I thought knew about this type of stuff but now after reading up on b2 aos I'm a little worried. Here are the details , I'll try and make this short.
Currently married to my wife who came in with a b2 a few weeks ago. Met her two years ago while on a j1, dated for close to a year before she departed back to her country. Continued the relationship , traveled to see her at her own country 3x and another country for vacation once. She was in the u.s in may and left in June under her new b2. We didn't want to wait any longer to be together so the fiancé visas to us was out of the question. I was told we can marry and adjust status under b2 .
I married her 15 days upon arriving. We have plenty of evidence to prove a bona fide relationship. But the marriage being so close to her arrival is getting me worried. I do not want to give off any hint of intent. I have evidence to support my intentional marriage in her country for 2017 via signed contracts and deposits from vendors.
My question basically is , am I going to get flagged for Fraud ? She made no mention to cbp officers about a boyfriend or fiancé in the states . I'm also waiting close to 90 days to file my aos so I can make sure I have her on all of my finances. Does the 30/60/90 rule apply to marriages too ? Or just for aos?
Posting from New York. Thanks for anyone who chimes in.
Currently married to my wife who came in with a b2 a few weeks ago. Met her two years ago while on a j1, dated for close to a year before she departed back to her country. Continued the relationship , traveled to see her at her own country 3x and another country for vacation once. She was in the u.s in may and left in June under her new b2. We didn't want to wait any longer to be together so the fiancé visas to us was out of the question. I was told we can marry and adjust status under b2 .
I married her 15 days upon arriving. We have plenty of evidence to prove a bona fide relationship. But the marriage being so close to her arrival is getting me worried. I do not want to give off any hint of intent. I have evidence to support my intentional marriage in her country for 2017 via signed contracts and deposits from vendors.
My question basically is , am I going to get flagged for Fraud ? She made no mention to cbp officers about a boyfriend or fiancé in the states . I'm also waiting close to 90 days to file my aos so I can make sure I have her on all of my finances. Does the 30/60/90 rule apply to marriages too ? Or just for aos?
Posting from New York. Thanks for anyone who chimes in.