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feeling humialted

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  • feeling humialted

    march 19 went to my second aos interview based on marriage but the io is giving me hot time i put on the table all the evidence she even go to diog my sex life with my wife i feel humiliated ! she know my marriage is real and i will give uscis one mionth to get approved or i will contact the congressman and sue them !

  • #2
    You can't sue a government agency as you would sue an individual or business. A "Writ of Mandamus" is the customary way to pressure a government agency to perform as they are supposed to perform, but it will be much faster if you an get a Conressional office in your corner when you are ready to complain in a serious way.

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by James Slam View Post
    march 19 went to my second aos interview based on marriage but the io is giving me hot time i put on the table all the evidence she even go to diog my sex life with my wife i feel humiliated ! she know my marriage is real and i will give uscis one mionth to get approved or i will contact the congressman and sue them !


    • #3
      Originally posted by James Slam View Post
      march 19 went to my second aos interview based on marriage but the io is giving me hot time i put on the table all the evidence she even go to diog my sex life with my wife i feel humiliated ! she know my marriage is real and i will give uscis one mionth to get approved or i will contact the congressman and sue them !
      questions about sex life are not uncommon in interviews. i've known people who got asked about this in their interviews.


      • #4
        My green card approved after 8 months long process sleepless night ! I will never thanks my wife and god enough thanks to this website thanks to ray b if you are a legit marriage and not doing anything wrong no need for a lawyer .
        I will come back again to tell all the way I passed through
        Again thanks rayb


        • #5
          Originally posted by James Slam View Post
          My green card approved after 8 months long process sleepless night ! I will never thanks my wife and god enough thanks to this website thanks to ray b if you are a legit marriage and not doing anything wrong no need for a lawyer .
          I will come back again to tell all the way I passed through
          Again thanks rayb
          Congratulations!!! ^^ I'm applying all the applications by myself, it is hard to explain how much work and anxiety to other people who never experience it. I married to a USC, he's so busy at work, he doesn't even understand the whole process. I'm thankful to find this forum and reading through lot of people's precious input here. It's only been 2 months from my PD, a long way to go...

          Will be waiting for your updates James, congrats again!


          • #6
            Originally posted by CPNC View Post
            Congratulations!!! ^^ I'm applying all the applications by myself, it is hard to explain how much work and anxiety to other people who never experience it. I married to a USC, he's so busy at work, he doesn't even understand the whole process. I'm thankful to find this forum and reading through lot of people's precious input here. It's only been 2 months from my PD, a long way to go...

            Will be waiting for your updates James, congrats again!
            First of all pile up all evidence photos letters emails post card hotel booking receipt mails credit card leasing and affidavit from friends ! Don't lie or create stories keep it 1000 percent you will get your papers straight shot !
            I passed through request evidence, 1 st interview I failed big time second interview I passed because well prepared and have a good breakfast and drink my Red Bull ! Again if you have a legit and bonafode marriage it's shows itself at the interview
            Me and my wife went there chill relax because we were ready to escalate to the next level of jurridiction until to get approved
            Going to pay a lawyer tens tons of money is a waste the uscis website is clear and light
            You just need a high school or less to fill out the forms !!!
            Now I'm free I'm heading to Cancun with my wife after all it's worthy after all the hells im going to open my companies my restaurant my cleaning company and live my American dream !





