Is the card issue date that is printed on your card the date that your online status switched to 'New Card is being Produced' or the date it switched to 'Card was Mailed to Me', or is it a later date?
I'm wondering because I need to leave the country ASAP and I have been waiting for 100+ days. I am hoping I can leave the country shortly after my status online changes without 'abandoning my application'.
Thank you in advance for any answers!
Is the card issue date that is printed on your card the date that your online status switched to 'New Card is being Produced' or the date it switched to 'Card was Mailed to Me', or is it a later date?
I'm wondering because I need to leave the country ASAP and I have been waiting for 100+ days. I am hoping I can leave the country shortly after my status online changes without 'abandoning my application'.
Thank you in advance for any answers!