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joint sponsor help

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  • joint sponsor help

    Today i received a request for Initial evidence from for I485

    which says that my husband his income didnt meet the 125% of the poverty guideline

    we try using his 401k as an asset to cover the difference since he makes 24,280 and the income requirement for 3 people its 25,250 but i guess they didnt accept it

    there asking for more evidence or for jointsponsor

    if we go with the joint sponsor option

    my question is

    my brother in law is able to be our joint sponsor but on his income tax return he made 33k but he recently got a rise and now makes 40k

    will his paystubs and letter from his employment stating the new amount will be enough to show that he makes above the poverty guideline or it has to be what it says in his income tax return?

    Any help will be appreciated
    thank you




