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I-485 Approval list in February,2004--(CSC)

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  • I-485 Approval list in February,2004--(CSC)

    Based on ImmigrationWatch.com, the following cases filed in CSC were approved in February, 2004:

    CaseNumber ReceivedDate ApprovedDate
    ------------- ------------ ------------
    WAC031515 **** 04/17/03 APPROVED 02/11/04
    WAC022865 **** 09/25/02 APPROVED 02/19/04
    WAC031635 **** 05/05/03 APPROVED 02/19/04

    (c) Copyright of www.immigrationwatch.com

  • #2

    Is there any logical explanation to the absolute randomness of California Service Center's rate of approving I-485s??? How could they have approved applications received in the spring of 2003 while thousands of people who applied in 2002, including myself, are waiting for theirs? Does anyone have any idea what the mechanism is? Does it depend on the complexity of the case or just pure luck? Do ajudicators pick out applications without any sort of order when they look at them? Shouldn't they be sorted by the receipt date???

    It's very frustrating to see that people who applied much later than I did are getting theirs approved, but I guess I should have hope...


    • #3
      Seems a bug in the software program!

      It seems to me that there is a bug in the immigrationwatch software; it is not capturing the applications filed in 2001.





