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Rental lease

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  • Rental lease

    Hey, I wanted an advice on an issue I have with one of the evidence I wanted to present to USCiS for my marriage based application to a U.S citizen. I moved in to my wife's apartment in march of this year a week before we got married, and we wanted to add my name to the lease, the management office taking care of the rents and leases wanted a large fee for adding me, so we didn't add me, until they agreed to waiver the fee in late June. So in late June they sent forms to electronically sign which I did. Now when I wanted to print the lease it wouldn't let me cause it says it required my wife's signature to which we didn't know, she went online signed at and than the management office sent us a complete lease to print but, the dates on the lease are all over the place. It shows we requested the forms in late June and that I signed in the beginning of july and that my wife and management office signed in sebptember. More then that the lease is already over since it's from September 1st 2016 to September 1st 2017 and the lease is suppose to get renewed automatically but we haven't got a new lease from them yet.
    I'm afraid to submit this lease to the USCIS, since we moved in on march but the lease shows we entered the agreement on end of June and my wife and the management signed in the beginning of this month.
    Any suggestions what I can do?

  • #2
    U went on hard mode dude, u could've just ask a lawyer to write a letter stating that u both live there and thats it, i did that and had no problems with the io.


    • #3
      Hi there,
      You could just explain that to the IO during your interview when he/she ask you about the lease.
      After we got married, I moved in to my husbands house and my name wasn't on his mortgage and weren't able to add my name in his mortgage right away, because the mortgage company wants us to re-finance his
      house and we don't have money to do that. Fortunately, during our interview IO didnt asked about our that. But, make sure you could justify your answer, explain and be honest when IO ask you.
      Good luck on your interview!





