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Is it possible to Notify USCIS for Unavailable dates for Interview

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  • Is it possible to Notify USCIS for Unavailable dates for Interview

    Hi guys!

    I hope someone has experience with this.

    I have 2 weeks in May 2018 that I'm tentatively unavailable for interview. Its my moms 70th birthday and i will be out of town.
    Since its so unpredictable when we will be scheduled for interview, is there a possibility that I can request USCIS not to schedule me on specific Dates?

    I applied October 2017, so it will be 7 months by then. Not sure if AOS will be over or not

  • #2
    I don't think there is anything you can do.


    • #3
      Originally posted by calgarygirl View Post
      Hi guys!

      I hope someone has experience with this.

      I have 2 weeks in May 2018 that I'm tentatively unavailable for interview. Its my moms 70th birthday and i will be out of town.
      Since its so unpredictable when we will be scheduled for interview, is there a possibility that I can request USCIS not to schedule me on specific Dates?

      I applied October 2017, so it will be 7 months by then. Not sure if AOS will be over or not
      As cold as this sounds, the AOS process is now really the most important thing that you need to stay on top of. I do not think You are entitled to let USCIS know when you can come to an interview and when you can't. It is not in your power; it's either take what you get or wait longer.

      I would really think about this trip and yes I know it is your mother's birthday but this process needs your attention from start to finish.
      Forms sent 6/2
      Forms received 6/4
      Received texts/e-mails 6/6
      PD 6/5 & 6/6
      NOA between 6/8 and 6/12 (I was out of town)
      Biometrics letter in mail 6/17 w/ 6/28 date
      SR 9/2
      Contacted Congressman 10/1
      Called the Congressman's office 10/10
      Interview letter 10/10
      Approval Letters for I-765 and I-131 10/16
      Received EAD/AP card 10/17
      Interview 11/8 RFE after
      New Card Being Produced 11/16
      Conditional GC received 11/24


      • #4
        Originally posted by calgarygirl View Post
        Hi guys!

        I hope someone has experience with this.

        I have 2 weeks in May 2018 that I'm tentatively unavailable for interview. Its my moms 70th birthday and i will be out of town.
        Since its so unpredictable when we will be scheduled for interview, is there a possibility that I can request USCIS not to schedule me on specific Dates?

        I applied October 2017, so it will be 7 months by then. Not sure if AOS will be over or not
        Entitled is such a strong word. I don't think I feel entitled for such request at all.

        I kind of have a feeling that it won't be possible but still took my chance to ask to be sure.

        - - - Updated - - -

        Originally posted by arbrts View Post
        I don't think there is anything you can do.
        Thanks for your response!


        • #5
          Originally posted by calgarygirl View Post
          Entitled is such a strong word. I don't think I feel entitled for such request at all.

          I kind of have a feeling that it won't be possible but still took my chance to ask to be sure.

          - - - Updated - - -

          Thanks for your response!
          Well I used the word because that was the first one that came to my mind. Did not mean anything in an offensive way. All I am trying to say is, that USCIS looks at every single case the same way.

          I started this process knowing that once I send it, I am staying in this country no matter what. Maybe I am fortunate that my parents are here but I do have family in my homeland. I haven't seen my country in over 16 years so I know that it is rough but you have to make a commitment to this process.
          Forms sent 6/2
          Forms received 6/4
          Received texts/e-mails 6/6
          PD 6/5 & 6/6
          NOA between 6/8 and 6/12 (I was out of town)
          Biometrics letter in mail 6/17 w/ 6/28 date
          SR 9/2
          Contacted Congressman 10/1
          Called the Congressman's office 10/10
          Interview letter 10/10
          Approval Letters for I-765 and I-131 10/16
          Received EAD/AP card 10/17
          Interview 11/8 RFE after
          New Card Being Produced 11/16
          Conditional GC received 11/24


          • #6
            Originally posted by calgarygirl View Post
            is there a possibility that I can request USCIS not to schedule me on specific Dates?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Walbrzyszanka21 View Post
              As cold as this sounds, the AOS process is now really the most important thing that you need to stay on top of. I do not think You are entitled to let USCIS know when you can come to an interview and when you can't. It is not in your power; it's either take what you get or wait longer.

              I would really think about this trip and yes I know it is your mother's birthday but this process needs your attention from start to finish.
              I agree!! After living in this country for almost 17 years next february ( came as an au- pair in 2001!!)!!! I feel i understand the american mentality very well, i got married in 2009, had a child in 2008 with an american. Americans are a very proud nation and basically anyone should feel very luckyn their eyes, that they get a chance to legally exist in this beautiful land...thats , how they (Americans/USCIS) look at it...i personally overstayed my visa and they are so forgiving, that if you build a relationship and start a family here, they want to accept you as "theirs", forgiving some major "rule breaking" you may have done over the years - meaning overstaying visa..
              Soo..not many people have this privilidge to be able to adjust and become "accepted/welcomed" here permanently, therefore the USCIS is doing US, who are applying without having to do consular , a HUGE FAVOR!! So, if people wait in line for months and months to be finally called for an interview and have their voices to be heard so to speak, its a privilidge! Its a chance of a lifetime and they treat it as that...to request a date of your interview ON YOUR TERMS, because YOU HAVE PLANS ( i dont even remember, how many major family events i missed ove the 16 years!) is silly. In other words, sit tight, be humble and patient and wait. Living in a foreign country is a HUGE sacrifice !!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dreamerdancer42 View Post
                I agree!! After living in this country for almost 17 years next february ( came as an au- pair in 2001!!)!!! I feel i understand the american mentality very well, i got married in 2009, had a child in 2008 with an american. Americans are a very proud nation and basically anyone should feel very luckyn their eyes, that they get a chance to legally exist in this beautiful land...thats , how they (Americans/USCIS) look at it...i personally overstayed my visa and they are so forgiving, that if you build a relationship and start a family here, they want to accept you as "theirs", forgiving some major "rule breaking" you may have done over the years - meaning overstaying visa..
                Soo..not many people have this privilidge to be able to adjust and become "accepted/welcomed" here permanently, therefore the USCIS is doing US, who are applying without having to do consular , a HUGE FAVOR!! So, if people wait in line for months and months to be finally called for an interview and have their voices to be heard so to speak, its a privilidge! Its a chance of a lifetime and they treat it as that...to request a date of your interview ON YOUR TERMS, because YOU HAVE PLANS ( i dont even remember, how many major family events i missed ove the 16 years!) is silly. In other words, sit tight, be humble and patient and wait. Living in a for eign country is a HUGE sacrifice !!
                nobody is questioning that. I never said anything about abiding to my terms. THIS THREAD IS A INQUIRY, A QUESTION If its a possibility or not.
                I Never said it was MY RIGHT or I FEEL ENTITLED to IT. If its a NO. It is what it is. It's not like I'm going to throw a fit about it. lol.
                I also used the word "TENTATIVELY" If its not possible , then i'm not going to go anywhere. duh....

                SO don't just say and tell me to be HUMBLE because I'm not trying to be Entitled and made it seem like its my right.

                Take a chill pill man. You're so funny. I'm not even Impatient about this whole Adjustment of Status process.

                and I'm sorry if you missed all those familial affairs in your life.
                and again, i'm stressing this out for the nth time. THIS THREAD IS SIMPLY AN INQURY. end of story
                Last edited by calgarygirl; 11-11-2017, 12:24 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by inadmissible View Post
                  Thank you!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Walbrzyszanka21 View Post
                    Well I used the word because that was the first one that came to my mind. Did not mean anything in an offensive way. All I am trying to say is, that USCIS looks at every single case the same way.

                    I started this process knowing that once I send it, I am staying in this country no matter what. Maybe I am fortunate that my parents are here but I do have family in my homeland. I haven't seen my country in over 16 years so I know that it is rough but you have to make a commitment to this process.
                    Of course i'm with you. I'm totally committed to this. I don't know why readers seems to have different perception on a simple question.

                    I'm just asking, if its possible or not.

                    Applicants call, inquire and do service request, or even talk to congressman to try to communicate with USCIS to speed up or inquire the status of their application. I'm neither doing any of those. I've always said that USCIS can take however long they want to process my application, the idea to ask if there is possibility to request just crossed my mind s possible thats all..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by calgarygirl View Post
                      nobody is questioning that. I never said anything about abiding to my terms. THIS THREAD IS A INQUIRY, A QUESTION If its a possibility or not.
                      I Never said it was MY RIGHT or I FEEL ENTITLED to IT. If its a NO. It is what it is. It's not like I'm going to throw a fit about it. lol.
                      I also used the word "TENTATIVELY" If its not possible , then i'm not going to go anywhere. duh....

                      SO don't just say and tell me to be HUMBLE because I'm not trying to be Entitled and made it seem like its my right.

                      Take a chill pill man. You're so funny. I'm not even Impatient about this whole Adjustment of Status process.

                      and I'm sorry if you missed all those familial affairs in your life.
                      and again, i'm stressing this out for the nth time. THIS THREAD IS SIMPLY AN INQURY. end of story
                      Sorry, im speaking in general..first of IM a woman ha, second i dont need a chill pill, im passionate thats all, third i didnt even read throughly your first question..the fact it even crosses some1s mind is "interesting"... because, of course, theres no way, theyll say..oh, that date doesnt work for ya..well take that into consideration...we all understand, its a FAVOR the USCIS is doing us..kinda like, you want a job, they invite u for an interview and theres tens of other applicants..ull say, wait, its somebody's birthday, can we do it other time???" How does that sound..? Weird, right? They are NOT gonna work around you, we ALL HAVE THINGS GOING ON, imagine, if we all wanted to request specific times for interviews..hahahah...it would prolly take 10 years to get a green card Soo...you took it personally ( when i used the word "humble" i ment we all..applicants in general!!), it was all in general, you seems angry, you coulve reacted, yeah, I get it, just crossed my mind...it was by no means an attack !! Just simple generalization as to, how this process is...
                      Last edited by Dreamerdancer42; 11-11-2017, 01:03 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dreamerdancer42 View Post
                        Sorry, im speaking in general..first of IM a woman ha, second i dont need a chill pill, im passionate thats all, third i didnt even read throughly your first question..the fact it even crosses some1s mind is "interesting"... because, of course, theres no way, theyll say..oh, that date doesnt work for ya..well take that into consideration...we all understand, its a FAVOR the USCIS is doing us..kinda like, you want a job, they invite u for an interview and theres tens of other applicants..ull say, wait, its somebody's birthday, can we do it other time???" How does that sound..? Weird, right? They are NOT gonna work around you, we ALL HAVE THINGS GOING ON, imagine, if we all wanted to request specific times for interviews..hahahah...it would prolly take 10 years to get a green card Soo...you took it personally ( when i used the word "humble" i ment we all..applicants in general!!), it was all in general, you seems angry, you coulve reacted, yeah, I get it, just crossed my mind...it was by no means an attack !! Just simple generalization as to, how this process is...
                        You sounded very assertive advising me to be humble and be patient. Haha. What do i get from that? Surely being judged.

                        Anyhoot, my question just literally stemmed from reading posts from the forum where people contact local congressman; raise service requests or talk to tier 2 officers to try to expedite the case or get updates why it has taken so long. So it came as a thought maybe there is a way to communicate such requests way ahead thats why i posted the question. If we have to be humble and patient indeed, then we should stop doing so and just wait until they send us notices hey?

                        Take this context below separate from immigration stuff we are doing.

                        Since you mentioned about job interviews, there is probably a cultural difference here, you pointed out an example where an indivodual get a job interview and employers set a day and time of interview.

                        In the 7 years i worked in the corporate world up north and i moved from one company to another, the interviews were never set ONLY by the employers. I often get asked what day and time i would be available to meet the hiring manager, we are usually given a time frame and we can both set up a meeting that works for botha parties
                        Even start date, salaries, vacation alotment. its all negotiable.

                        Lastly, since USA is land of the free, i assume residents and citizens are free to communicate eh? But what do I know though, like you said you lived here for 17 years vs my 3 months. i have a lot to learn and to adapt.

                        Surely its not a sin to ask.





