I am preparing I-485 for my 2y old son and I am confused by the Part 10 (Applicant's Statement). In the I-485 form there are 3 options:
1.a. I can read and understand English, and I have read and understand every question and instruction on this application and my answer to every question.
1.b. The interpreter named in Part 11. read to me every question and instruction on this application and my answer to every question in a language which I am fluent, and I understand everything.
2. At my request, the preparer named in Part 12 prepared this application for me based only upon information I provided or authorized.
Since my son is 2 years old and have no idea on the form even If I read it as intepreter, shall I check the box 1.a.? My logic says that I should check the box 1.a. or box 2, but I searched online and now I doubd what I should select. Moreover, in the I-693 there are only 2 options 1.a and 1.b.
What is your opinion.
Thank you very much.
I am preparing I-485 for my 2y old son and I am confused by the Part 10 (Applicant's Statement). In the I-485 form there are 3 options:
1.a. I can read and understand English, and I have read and understand every question and instruction on this application and my answer to every question.
1.b. The interpreter named in Part 11. read to me every question and instruction on this application and my answer to every question in a language which I am fluent, and I understand everything.
2. At my request, the preparer named in Part 12 prepared this application for me based only upon information I provided or authorized.
Since my son is 2 years old and have no idea on the form even If I read it as intepreter, shall I check the box 1.a.? My logic says that I should check the box 1.a. or box 2, but I searched online and now I doubd what I should select. Moreover, in the I-693 there are only 2 options 1.a and 1.b.
What is your opinion.
Thank you very much.