I checked my email this evening and saw i received a message or mail looking like a message from DHS/USCIS is this real and the email address is this real it came directly into my inbox or this is a phishing scam from someone claiming to be the DHS? And DHS did not last take action on my case on August 2...Below is the mail and email address. this is the supposed email no-reply@uscis.dhs.gov
Department of Homeland Security seal
We are still reviewing your case and there are no updates at this time
We will notify you when your case status changes. We last took action on your case on August 2, 2018.
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Department of Homeland Security seal
We are still reviewing your case and there are no updates at this time
We will notify you when your case status changes. We last took action on your case on August 2, 2018.
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