Hi im new to the forum .
Any advice would be great and much apreciated .
Im going to be honest from the start
Im in the uk and English and in love with a girl in the US. She is costa rican .
Thats the easy part
Now it gets a little complicated
Currently sorting out a divorce. Been separated but never went the divorce route untill now . Married for 4 years
Dont shoot me down on this please but i met a girl online . Maybe not divorced but separated so not a case of going behind wifes back. Just friends to start and it has became so much more over the last year.
She has visited the uk and we have spent weekends together .
Pictures together . Whats app chats . Etc and calls
Met her children now 11 and 15.
I havent been to the states as yet .
She works for american airlines and once my new passport comes through i will be added to her passes . Looking to visit in january for a week. My passport expired and i never renewed it . Ive just done it online and very straight forward.
Now we have been reading alot and found things have changed some . More noticably the 90 day rule and the esta visa which Previously we believe anything over 60 days we could marry and aos was a little easier
Question is .
If we decide we want to marry can this work with an esta ? And apply for adjustment of status ?
We have talked regarding marriage and know its what we both want at some point
Its more the 90 day rule . How does this work with a 90 day esta waiver ? If i was over and we decided to marry ?
We have read varied stories of marrying just after the 90 days even though this goes past the 90 day period and things were fine and aos was achieved
How would it look on record if i was still married when we met ? Would this cause issues atall ? Or no issue as long as my divorce is through and we legally marry.
I have my own place in the uk seperate from my to be ex wife .
I know we can file for a fiancee visa but that could stop me travelling while waiting for the visa ?
Any advice would be great and taken onboard
These are just queries i am asking .yes i know if we done this route that it is not the most ideal route If we went the esta route and decided to marry quicker then any advice would be taken on boards
Thank you
Any advice would be great and much apreciated .
Im going to be honest from the start
Im in the uk and English and in love with a girl in the US. She is costa rican .
Thats the easy part

Now it gets a little complicated
Currently sorting out a divorce. Been separated but never went the divorce route untill now . Married for 4 years
Dont shoot me down on this please but i met a girl online . Maybe not divorced but separated so not a case of going behind wifes back. Just friends to start and it has became so much more over the last year.
She has visited the uk and we have spent weekends together .
Pictures together . Whats app chats . Etc and calls
Met her children now 11 and 15.
I havent been to the states as yet .
She works for american airlines and once my new passport comes through i will be added to her passes . Looking to visit in january for a week. My passport expired and i never renewed it . Ive just done it online and very straight forward.
Now we have been reading alot and found things have changed some . More noticably the 90 day rule and the esta visa which Previously we believe anything over 60 days we could marry and aos was a little easier
Question is .
If we decide we want to marry can this work with an esta ? And apply for adjustment of status ?
We have talked regarding marriage and know its what we both want at some point
Its more the 90 day rule . How does this work with a 90 day esta waiver ? If i was over and we decided to marry ?
We have read varied stories of marrying just after the 90 days even though this goes past the 90 day period and things were fine and aos was achieved
How would it look on record if i was still married when we met ? Would this cause issues atall ? Or no issue as long as my divorce is through and we legally marry.
I have my own place in the uk seperate from my to be ex wife .
I know we can file for a fiancee visa but that could stop me travelling while waiting for the visa ?
Any advice would be great and taken onboard
These are just queries i am asking .yes i know if we done this route that it is not the most ideal route If we went the esta route and decided to marry quicker then any advice would be taken on boards
Thank you
