I filed for my AOS on monday 16th 07 and also for my i 765 as well so I hope i get good news and it works out really well,I couldnt find my I-94 though because i was here for almost a year and a half ,I have no i dea where i put it so I wrote letter and attatched it to my visa and passport and I had my daughters I-94 i sent them a copy of hers hopefully they can link hers with mines since I AM her mom and I filled ours out at the same time in the bahamas, I Hope they will still be able to just get evrything and It goes well,My husband is also in the military,do you think that will speed up the process?????But i sent everything My daughter who is 8 months her birth certificate and social my husband sent in everything as well,I also wanted to know,If i have to file the same thing for my daughter who is 7 or can my husband adopt her?