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interview completed

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  • interview completed

    i would like to thank you all for any inputs. i had my interview on march and today i received an email that 'welcome notice has been mailed'. however, it says that i would need to complete ADIT probably..not sure what that means.

    however, this process was smooth. not that difficult. i was worried about because the fee increase in July.

    thanks again and gooood Luck to everyone.

  • #2
    Congrats.I am still waiting for a decision since march.I wonder what ADIT IS.


    • #3
      re adit

      I just did a bit of research on it.
      ADIT ADIT Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunication System (US Immigration)

      form WR-702 Data Collection for Alien Documentation, Identification & Telecommunication System (ADIT)

      Basically, it is probably just an additional form you have to fill out.
      Go to the following site and you will see a link to the form WR-702 (ADIT) near the bottom /us-visa-and-immigration-forms/

      Congrads on green card approval.


      • #4
        Please give us info on your interview

        Hi sa2006,
        Congratulations on your green card!
        Can I request you to please let us know what questions you were asked in the interview, what documents you took with you for the interview. If you could provide a time line for your process that would be great, just to help us know how things work.
        We all would appreciate if you keep visiting this forum and give us your input in the future too.
        Thank you and CONGRATULATIONS.


        • #5
          1) Was your case moved to National benefits center to schedule an interview at the local office

          2) Please let us know the timelines for setting up the interview

          3) Any idea why you happened to have an interview

          Our case is moved to NBC...we are expecting to have an interview but not heard from them yet.





