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Just had I-485 Marriage based Interview.

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  • Just had I-485 Marriage based Interview.

    Hey everyone,

    My wife and I had our interview today in San Antonio Texas. I must admit I was very nervous and not sure what to expect. Even after reading this link
    http://www.immihelp.com/greencard/ad...interview.html I was still uneasy. The interview was nothing like I expected, the man who interviewed us was very nice and friendly. Dare I say the interview was even relaxed, We entered the office, took a seat, and waited for the officer to return, he left the room for some reason. Once the officer arrived he asked my wife to step outside because he wanted to speak to me first alone. My wife left the room and the officer and I started talking. The officer asked me some basic questions like has my wife ever been in the US before, how long have we been married, when we were married, and some other obvious questions. Then we started talking about the city and surrounding cities, traffic, stores, ect. The officer then asked what I had with me, I had a huge stack of papers, copies, and all kinds of papers I thought I would need. The officer then asked what kinds of supporting evidence I brought with me, the first paper I pulled out was a joint cable bill, he looked it over and said to me that he will grant conditional residence, he would just need to ask my wife a few questions. I offered the officer other papers supporting a legit marriage, he took them but did not really seem interested. We talked for a bit longer then had my wife come in and answer a few questions, and that was it. The officer then stamped her passport and explained in 2 years we have to fill out another form since my wife and I have not been married 2 years yet.

    I am so relieved the interview was stress free and quick, it's only a shame my wife and I spent hours and hours getting all the forms, papers, and copies ready.

    Btw. I am a U.S. citizen who married a Belgian woman.

  • #2
    what a relief , I just got the letter yesterday that says our interview date is Dec. 18. Im already preparing. I heard stories about these interviews but yours is my fave. I hope We get a nice officer like that too. Congrats!

    -Im a u.s citizen, my husband is from uzbekistan





