We applied for the AOS just in October... Our interview is already scheduled!!
We got a letter about 1 month after application for the biometrics appt, scheduled for late November.
Now our interview is scheduled for late December!
I am happy but a little concerned! We thought this process was going to take a really long time. Is there any reason (good or bad) why we are getting pushed through the system so quickly? (I guess I am just wondering if some people are scrutinized more than others, or questioned as fraud from the beginning, or if some country's citizens have some sort of unspoken 'privileges' over others - this could be far fetched but just trying to find a reason why our whole process is only taking about 90 days!)
Also, We just got married in September... We have almost all of our documentation together that we need at the interview but not a lot of mail showing both of our names. Plus spouse hasn't been added to utilities due to no social.
Maybe I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth but can't help but wonder. Any feedback will be appreciated.