Mixed Insurance Banners Health Insurance for Visitors to USA


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  • aos INTERVIEW 3/3

    I entered the US legally 17 yrs ago in that time i got a student visa and EAD but that was many years ago. I met my husband 6 yrs ago we got married 9/11/2005. We have lived together since 2002. My passport got lost many years ago. We had a stillborn in April 2007 that was my third pregnancy and third loss. We have no living children. I am 12 yrs older than he is. Our wedding was small and inormal just us and one witness there is nothing conventional about our lives We have a joint bank acct I have been working without permission but admitted that on the form and will have to pay a fine. I am so nervous about our interview on Monday 3rd. We dont have pics I hate taking pics and wont take any until I am slimmer. I am afraid they wont understand our relationship his mom, my sister and some friends are writing letters on our behalf.

    We have old phone bills from every home we have lived in or the past 6 yrs. we have bills together, we own our home, but I am so nervous, my husband says relax that no one can tell him he doesnt love his wife.

  • #2
    I can tell u about my experience, The officer asked us a few questions like what is owr phone # and easy things like that for 5 minutes. then he asked me to show him prove that we are together and I showed him the deed of owr house. that's all he needed, he did not want to see any other thing, he did not asked for any picture or anything else. my wife is 15 years older than me and I was really worried about that because i can see how easy is to be suspicious in a case like that... I would say you have nothing to worry about. if you have notes or some documents from the doctors about your miscarrieges I think it would help.


    • #3
      You need joint documents, finances, ownership, rentals, etc. Also you will need the I-94 you used to enter or a passport stamp to prove your legal entry.

      Also proof of all children you have had or lost and be prepared for the interview, all you need to do is show that you did not marry him for immigrantion benefits.

      PS: Any illegal presence (overstay) and illegal employment are forgiven because of marrying an US Citizen. There are no penalty or fees.
      Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.


      • #4
        we have pictures of the last baby I was 22 weeks so I had to deliver him they gave us a memory certiicate with his ootprints hand prints weight and length. I also have all his sonograms plus the sonogram and dr request for a viability sonogram on my second miscarriage.


        • #5
          So if you were worry about your age difference, my husband and I have 20 years difference in between. I'm actually concerned about that too.


          • #6
            aos interview 3/3

            We had our interview this morning. We were late but got a wonderful lady. She asked how we met, proof that we are living together we showed her the pics of the baby and bank statement mortgage statement. She left the room for about 10 mins to make copies, we think she was watching us on the camera thats in the room, she came back and said she was approving my application today. I dont have my passport lost it many years ago so she couldnt stamp it, but said the green card would come in the mail in 2 weeks. Amen praise the Lord for granting us favour this morning.


            • #7

              Honest people will not be let down by anyone!

              Originally posted by cami527
              We had our interview this morning. We were late but got a wonderful lady. She asked how we met, proof that we are living together we showed her the pics of the baby and bank statement mortgage statement. She left the room for about 10 mins to make copies, we think she was watching us on the camera thats in the room, she came back and said she was approving my application today. I dont have my passport lost it many years ago so she couldnt stamp it, but said the green card would come in the mail in 2 weeks. Amen praise the Lord for granting us favour this morning.





