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  • Mistake?

    I got married a year ago and still in the process of getting mu green card. Ive filed all the required applications/forms, but was it a mistake to use my last name instead of my husband's last name? If it is then what should i do to change my last name to his last name?

  • #2
    Who says it is a mistake? Many people keep their maiden name all through till the naturalization process. Changed names = more confusion for USCIS = More pain and delay.

    You will be fine if you maintain all documents in one name.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      I filed all my documents using my husband's last name, but i also used my maiden name as my middle name so it's easier for uscis to id me. Anyway, that's what my lawyer advised.
      I still have to change my last name legally (on DL, SSC, bank cards etc) but i think i need to wait until my paperwork goes thru bec. i'm kinda out of status right now....





