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Santa Ana Initial Interview Q

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  • Santa Ana Initial Interview Q

    Thanks to the answers I received last time. Just received notice for Initial interview for March 2nd at the Santa Ana location in California has anyone been through them before and how was it ? It will be and Adjustment of Status based on marriage kinda freaking out here.

  • #2
    Be yourself

    I just got back from my adjustment of status interview, based on marriage. It was amazing. We had spent the whole of last week practicing for the interview. Especially last night, we stayed up very late practicing more test questions. We had a very smooth interview.

    We arrived there at the Immigration office at 10:30am and we were called in for interview about 15 minutes later. The Immigration officer was pretty young, probably in her late twenties. In the beginning, she told us to raise our right hand and swear. My wife was so nervous, that she raised her left hand. The officer laughed at her and told her it's ok that she can understand why my wife did that. She asked us how long we been together. She asked us if we had any financial documents that both of share, with our names on them. We gave her our joint checking and savings accounts monthly statements. We also give her a copy of our apartment lease,electric bills, with both our names on it. She asked us for pictures we have taked together in the past. We brought about 20 of them, but she took two only. She asked us whether any of us had insurance, list one of us as a beneficiary. I gave her my health insurance card from my job, which had my wife, whom applied for me, listed as my dependent/beneficiary.The rest of the questions were just the same ones that were on the I-485 forms. The thing that threw me off was a question about what happened about a ticket I got back in 2005 about an accident I was invloved in. I told her initially that I wasn't sure, because I had gotten a couple of tickets in the past and that I didn't remember all. But I remembered quickly about the one she was talking about, and I mentioned to her that the ticket was for following too closely. She asked me what was the end result of the ticket and I told her I just paid the fine. The other question that almost got me thrown off was that she asked for a second time, when we got married. I gave her the right answer. She stepped out of her office for about 3 minutes and returned with our our original documents. She told me right there, " I'm approving your case today and your card will be mailed to you in 30 days". She behaved nice to us.


    • #3
      congratulations! wow it must be a huge relief for you now. Thanks for the advice it seems they mostly ask the same q on I- 130 and I- 485 so we are preparing hard. where was your interview?


      • #4
        We live in Orange County, Calif. Please share your experiences , Lisa .





