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Renting my home -change of address question

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  • Renting my home -change of address question


    I own a home in MN, (1-485 pending (Initial interview completed, went good, but as there were no visa # avlb. officer told us to wait it out))
    Iam planning to RENT my entire home and move in to friends place for a period of 1 year and get back into my home after a year.

    1- should I do change of address in this situation?
    I will have access to mails at my home through my tenants!
    3- I know mail frwd. wont work with USCIS, right?
    4- any advice in this situation?

    Thanks in advance....

  • #2
    what do you mean mail forward wont work with USCIS? are they exempted from mail forwarding?


    • #3
      Originally posted by bebang View Post
      what do you mean mail forward wont work with USCIS? are they exempted from mail forwarding?
      Kinda. All USCIS mail is marked "Return Service Requested" which forces USPS to return it to sender than forward it on. It is also a security risk to forward GCs, EADs etc.

      I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


      • #4
        oh thank you very much for the information, i didn't know about that


        • #5
          Any info / suggestions on my questions below

          Can anyone suggest me if I need to apply for change of address for the scenario posted in the thread below?





