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documents required for the interview help!

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  • documents required for the interview help!

    Hi everyone, First let me say that this forum is great.
    My husband and I, are having some problems with the documents required for the interview. We have tons of pics from the wedding and before we were married,(we've been together for 5 years before we got married) we have a gym membership we did in September, and he has added me as a dependent at work, and his medical insurance. Our problem is with the utility bills, and joint bank accounts. We do live together, but I have not yet received my work authorization, to be able to get a ssn, that would allow us to have a joint bank account. We went to three banks today and they all said the same,(no) which makes sense and I agree with them..But how am I supposed to have a bank account without a ssn? And then the utility companies want it, also the banks require two different form of identification, well I cannot get a driver or even a non driver id without a ssn or work authorization....our interview is in 25 days, my work authorization is due in 22 days...what shall we do? I think the interview came too fast, because we filled end of December and a lot of the documents they need as proof require a ssn which they cannot expect me to have since I have not receive my work authorization yet...

    any ideas? or has anyone ever had the same problem?


  • #2
    You can always tell the truth at the interview, my husband and I also didn't have lots of joint utilities because they wanted my ssn (which I didn't have), and we explained at the interview. it wasn't a problem.
    But what kind of banks did you guys go to? It wasn't a problem for me to open up a joint account with my hubs. Did you take your passport? When I went they didn't ask me for my SSN.


    • #3
      Hi thanks for the reply!

      We went to Capital One and Chase bank. They said that since sept 11 they need two forms of id. I did have my passport with me but they needed a second one. I went to dmv they needed the ssn to have a driver's license. We are going to try Bank of America tomorrow...But do you think our interview came in more quick than usual...I mean we filed the I-485 and the I-130 2 months ago...Isn't it supposed to come in 4-6 months or so? What bank did you guys go to?



      • #4
        you can go to bank of america, I went there for notarization, and ending up opening an account, I was able open my own account, and my husband and I also opened a joint account, also if you have any other ID from you country, just give itto along with your passport. It is better you can have your interview early and get it over with.... do not worry about the time it came or not.... Good luck... I just sent in mine and got my i-797 after 4days...

        please keep us updated... I really would like to know how you fared on the issue....


        • #5
          Thanks Heart!,

          We will go tomorrow, we're also moving at the same time, and the notice coming so soon just made us panic I guess. My only concern is that it will seem as if we just opened the account right before the interview. But they will have to understand, there's not a lot of things you can do without a ssn....

          I will keep this post updated though...this forum is so helpful!!!

          Thanks again


          • #6
            No problem, I know its scary, I feel scared as well, but the thing is the right path is better than doing nothing... when they ask for another ID, just give them what you have, no explanation... I also understand that the time the joint account was opened did not matter, as long as both opened the account... and also, if its not asked at the interview don't give it to them...

            I seem to have alittle problem though, I was in the UK for a short time, and got arrested for some stupid thing, and then just found out I clicked no in that area, so I will have to call them this week to let them know of the mistake b4 my biometric.. as I am not sure if the FBI check international.. but better to be clear than appear as though one wants to lie.... please lets keep each other encouraged and updated....


            • #7
              I think it's always better to be honest, with this crazy bureaucracy you shouldn't give them any reason to doubt you. I am not a lawyer, but I think it will be better if you tell them than them having to find out themselves.
              I was in the UK too,, studied there for 4 years.!
              My problem is that my other id is not in english it is in Greek and no one can read it here...I have my birth certificate though translated...we'll see what happens tomorrow...
              There's nothing to be scared about, I think only those who are fraudulent have something to be afraid off..
              Take care and I will update with what happens tomorrow..


              • #8
                I have bank of America and MB bank. You should try both
                Good luck on your interview!!!!


                • #9
                  Hello schh.... hope you have been able to sort the banking stuff out.... I went to the application support center regarding the mistake, I was simply told to refill the bit where the mistake was and mail it to them.. so glad for that.... and relieved... I do not want them to think of me as non credible...

                  good luck on your interview though....


                  • #10
                    Hey heart!

                    We just came back from Bank of America, they were really nice. They did need two id's but I was lucky because my advance parole just came Saturday so they accepted that as the second id. We opened up our account and we're ready to go.

                    Good to hear you got the mistake taken care off. I think you did the right thing!
                    Let's keep each other updated about our situations..
                    Take care


                    • #11
                      Thanks everyone for your input! You were all very helpful!!!!


                      • #12
                        hey schh, glad to hear you got all that sorted.. now just the interview... Good luck.. positive you will get it....

                        Yes, I know I did the right thing....! will keep this updated...


                        • #13
                          My wife came on a K-1 VISA and we were able to get a Social Security number with just her passport and marriage certificate.

                          It was not even an official copy of the marriage certificate (with the state seal).

                          When the card came in the mail it had some writing above the number saying that she is not authorized to work without an EAD number.
                          My Fiancee arrived here on a K-1 VISA.
                          Conditional GreenCard has been received.


                          • #14

                            Hi everyone.

                            Thanks for all your input you have been very helpful.
                            We had our interview this morning and it all went great.

                            Here's what happened, I hope that other people can find it helpful.

                            Our appointment was in NY, so we went gave the appointment notice to the guard and he told us to wait in the room for our lawyer.
                            When she arrived, we gave the notice to the administration employee and she told us which room to go. We didn't really have to wait long at all.

                            Shortly after the interviewer came, called my name and introduced herself.
                            She really was very nice.

                            We went inside she swore us in and asked for originals of our marriage, birth, certificates. Also she asked for id and passport. We had brought my husband's passport along as well because it had stamps of all the trips he made to visit me.

                            She then asked my husband what my name is, where I was born, when is my birthday, how we met, when did I come to the US, when and where we got married, if we had family at the wedding.

                            It really was very relaxed, the interviewer was very laid back I have to say.
                            I think she forgot to ask me the regular yes/no questions. anyway!
                            She then asked me what my husband's full name is, when and where he was born, what was the name of his ex wife, when he got divorced, if I had met any family and what their names are.
                            She asked my husband if he had met my parents. My parents have passed away so he said no, but he said that he has met my brother.

                            She then asked me when I entered the US for the last time. Apparently for some reason the system showed I had departed in September but I never did, and she said she has to figure it out, she didn't say it was problem or anything like that.

                            She then asked for tax returns, pay stubs and the w2 which didn't have with us, but we arranged that our lawyer dropped it off later today.

                            Then she asked for joint evidence. We had bank statement, gym contract, helath insurance and pension applications, a cable bill. We explained that we had moved in the mean time so that's why we have two different address, but all documents had our names on them so it was ok.

                            She asked me if I my husband is working, where and what does he do.
                            She asked my husband if I am working here, I am not yet, so she asked him what I did back home, and what was my field, my professional degrees and such.

                            She then asked for pictures from the wedding. I had printed out a few with both of us, also with family and pictures from several trips we made. The funny thing is she only kept pictures from our holidays and not those of the wedding.

                            After all, she said that our case is approvable and that I should get my green card in the mail in 6-8 weeks.

                            All in all I made no mistakes, my husband couldn't remember what city I was born at but he knew where I was raised and I where I was from. He also couldn't remember exactly when I came but he was close.

                            I have to say it sounds a lot more scary than it is. I know a lot of people say this but it is indeed true. Just be yourself and everything will go well. If you don't remember something just say I can't remember rather than try to guess.

                            Bring everything you have you never know if you may need it. For example we had a hard time with the fact that I didn't have a social security number which prevented us from doing most of the things they need, like bank accounts and so on, but we explained to her and she said that is normal, we also had a letter from the bank where we opened the account 3 days before the interview but no statement. And we explained why.
                            She asked for a lease from our apartment and we explained that the leasing company refused to add me without a social.

                            All in all I think if your marriage is genuine you have nothing to worry about. Granted this is a very stressful process just be meticulous about the crazy paperwork, and be prepared for alternative solutions to the standard documents they need.

                            Thanks to everyone for your help.

                            I will post again with a time line when I get my green card!!!


                            • #15
                              Hi everybody,
                              My husband and me are in the same situation.We live at my mother-in-law right now,she has a huge house and needs help to maintain it,besides it saves us some money,so we don't have any utility bills that my husband and I pay together or a rental lease,the only thing we have is a joint account,pictures,emails and some other stuff. We tried to add me to his car insurance but I still don't have my driver's license,so it didn't work out.We are having our interview in 3 weeks and I'm so nervous,I really worry it's not gonna be enough.
                              Please share your experience,thanks in advance and good luck everybody.





