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Initial Green card interview

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  • Initial Green card interview

    Hi everybody,
    I am currently on a B2 visa and got married to my American husband. Before the interview we tried for me to have evidence together like joint acct, insurance, filing of tax together but i was turn down because i didnt have a SOCIAL SECURITY NO. We just had the initial interview where we were seperated and asked the same question because we didnt have enough evidence to show. The interview went on fine as we realised we answer all the questions correctly but the interviewer said he will mail us in 2wks time for the outcome.
    My problem now is before the interview we had to move out of our apartment to my husband's uncle place who will be out of the country for abt six mth, when we were having problem in the apartment we rented,but because the bills was still in his uncle 's name we couldnt tell the interviewer that we had moved because he will need to see the prove of the new address which we didt have. My question is within the two weeks of their decision is it possible for them to check if we truely live in the address we gave them, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

  • #2
    Initial interview for green card.

    9 out of 10, they will not check if you still live @ that address, unless for fraud investigation. You could be deported if you move from an address and you did not inform USCIS (BUSH, gave them such powers and they have been using it). According to section 11, you have to inform USCIS within 10days of moving, if you have not done so, you need to do it immediately. It can be done either online or via telephone thru the customer service center.
    It is better to be late than never, and not telling right away at the interview was not the right decision but under the conditions that we find ourselves, since Sept.2001, was a wise decision.
    So act now before it is too late.






